Category "embedded"

PyFtdi Value Error 'No backend available' every now and then

I'm using pyftdi ( to handle a FTDI ft4232h. Everything usually works fine but every now and then I come across a ValueError say

How to check the Cortex-M4 VTOR register with gdb command?

(I am learning about ARM debugging so this may be a dumb question.) I checked the ARMv7-M Arch Ref Manual. It says the reset vector offset is stored in the VTOR

Building rust with LLVM Fork

Following the instructions here, I have tried building rust with a fork of LLVM which has a back-end for a new target. I have: Recursively cloned the Rust repos

Rust build error: unknown `--json` option `future-incompat`

I am trying to build a basic application for the Adafruit CLUE using Rust. When using the peripheral access crate (PAC) everything works fine, but I would like

Why would ch341-uart is disconnected from ttyUSB?

Here's the deal, I want to flash my stm32 board with my USB serial port. And my stm32 board comes with an extended board which carries CH340. When I connected t

How to set up interrupt registers on the stm32 microcontrollers?

I wanted to toggle a led status by reading a push button status's using interrupt instead of polling. I'm using a Nucleo board F411 and a register based program

Graph2Vec fit method by karateclub

I am struggling with running the graph2vec module by karateclub (or any other provider of a similar one) on my networkx Graph G. Graph2Vec was introduced in thi

Can ETL be used with Atmel Studio?

The Embedded Template Library provides the data structures of the STL without using dynamic allocation, to be used in embedded development. I'm experimenting wi

c code to paint an embedded stack with a pattern say (0xABABABAB) just after main begins?

I am working on dynamic memory analysis using stack painting/foot print analysis method. dynamic-stack-depth-determination-using-footprint-analysis basically t

Does TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers support Google Edge TPU?

I already know that TensorFlow Lite (TFL) supports the Google Edge TPU, for instance through the Coral Dev Board (Linux required). However I'd like to know whet

Linker error: "cannot move location counter backwards (from 200009f8 to 20000800)"

I am trying to build my code for Nucleo STM32F042k6 with PlatformIO firmware Mbed but i get the following error: .pio\build\nucleo_f042k6\STM32F042X6.ld.link_s

Embedded Board Support Package

As I understand, a BSP (Board Support Package) contains bootloader, kernel and device driver which help OS to work on HW. But I'm confused because OS also conta

How to fix STM32CubeProgrammer No STM32 Target Found

Hello guys Any one here faced this problem before ? After I run my code into my stm32f446re I couldn't upload any code after my last code and give me this erro

What is CAN Active, CAN passive and Sleep state in CAN Network manager?

I am trying to understand the CAN network management in vehicle. During my research, I got to know that CAN network management(CANNM) will make some Mode state

What is the Difference between Aging and Healing in AUTOSAR DEM?

Event Aging The process of aging resets status bit 3 – ConfirmedDTC when a sufficient amount of time has elapsed so that the cause for the error entry is

Arduino C++ - call registers by arrays

I am using a Teensy with Teensyduino to control several stepper motors. This requires writing to timer value registers, and there are 4 needed for each stepper

Transfer Fault on SAME70 Xplained Microcontroller

I am using a SAME70 Xplained microcontroller for a project I am working on. I program it using an editor made by Microchip called MPLAB X. About a week ago, sud

STM32 HAL Library RTC Alarm

I am having a problem about RTC Alarm configuration. First of all, I tried example code which is provided by Cube, and It works. But in my code, it doesn't work

STM32 HAL Library RTC Alarm

I am having a problem about RTC Alarm configuration. First of all, I tried example code which is provided by Cube, and It works. But in my code, it doesn't work

PLL Init function in STM32F429 to configure max frequency (180Mhz)

I want to configure PLL in STM32F429 to its max frequency (180Mhz) without using STMCube-generated configurations. I am using my own register definitions like t