Category "encoding"

Why is # not escaped?

Feeling a little dumb here. I have this string Because the file

bson.errors.InvalidDocument: cannot encode object of object having list of Object

I have a class defined in below form class B(): xyz: int class C(): abc: int Class A(): bList: List[B] cList: List[C] iex : int MongoDb Save Operation

How do you print accented characters?

I want to write a program that takes text from a file and prints the selected lines. When printing a word containing an accented character like "ó", I ge

Is there any hardware decoding or encoding when reading video stream byte in pyav python?

I have a python scripts for reading video bytes using pyav package as below code. when I use this code I figured out that reading that video byte for a long str

Why I'm getting "UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u25b2' in position 84811: character maps to <undefined>" error?

I'm getting UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u200b' in position 756: character maps to error while running this code:: from bs4 imp

Tibetan characters in data.frames cannot be displayed in R console even after locale is set (Chinese is fine, Tibetan in matrices is fine)

In R, Tibetan characters do not display properly when they are located in data.frames: > Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Tibetan") [1] "Tibetan_China.950" > da

How can I loop one frame with ffmpeg? All the other frames should point to the first with no changes, maybe like a recusion

I want to make a long video from a single image in ffmpeg. I need it to be fastly encodeable and at the end the video should have a small file size. Is it pos

Recursive data structure unmarshalling gives error "cannot parse invalid wire-format data" in Go Lang Protobuf

OS and protobuf version go1.18.1 linux/amd64, v1.5.2 Introduction I am trying to use recursive proto definitions. .proto file message

Write data in unknown encoding

Is it possible write data to a file in an unknown encoding? I cannot decode email headers, for example message-id, because if I use handler ignore or a replace

Send grid api sends the attachment with different encoding

I have an issue where we are using ASP.NET framework and SendGrid api/sdk to send the email to users. We have the attachment name in Spanish character as shown

Want some guide about how to use nvjpegEncodeYUV()

I am trying to implement some jpeg encoding cuda code based one a sample code below: I pos

Encoding each value in a pandas cell

I have a dataset Inp1 Inp2 Inp3 Output A,B,C AI,UI,JI Apple,Bat,Dog Animals L,M,N LI,DO,LI Lawn, Moon, Noon Noun X,Y

How fix error encoding BSON to MongoDB Compass?

I installed MongoDB Compass, and I get error message “An error occurred while loading navigation: Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document”. I can&rsqu

Downloading Kaggle Dataset with Chinese folder names converts names to something useless

What the folder names look like AFTER downloading: What the folder names look like on Kaggle: Downloading Kaggle Dataset with Chinese folder names converts na

Minifying javascript via unicode

on i often see dweets that are encoded interestingly to minify the JS to character count. for example (or https://ww

How to remove BOM from an encoded base64 UTF string?

I have a file encoded in base64 using openssl base64 -in en -out en1 in a command line in MacOS and I am reading this file using the following code: string file

Excel file corrupted after using zipfile write method in Python

I'm developing a Flask application where I want the user to download a set of files from the server. To achieve this objective, I use the zipfile module in orde

Rails: How can I test for the presence of &#161; in mailer text?

I'm trying to rewrite an rspec mailer test and I cannot figure out how to account for the special character ¡ in this text: <p> You have been add

RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment

I tried to deploy my flask application in a docker in ubuntu18.04, and I was using python3.5 in my pipenv. But when I run docker build -t flask ., at a step of

PDFBox - How to change encoding from WinAnsiEncoding to Unicode?

I am trying to find a way I could change the WinAnsiEncoding to Unicode, I've tried setting font like this, PDDocument doc = new PDDocument(); PDPage page = n