Category "encoding"

SQL - UTF-8 to varchar/nvarchar Encoding issue

Problem background - I am receiving response data from a website, formatted in json and UTF-8 encoded. A body attribute of json has values in a base64binary typ

Cannot recognize image upload at Google Drive in js

i'm trying to upload image file at google drive, using oauth token & fetch url. Perform a multipar

PostgreSQL like-search by Korean doesn't work

Here is the specification of my PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 12.8 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11), 64-bit server_encod

Unescape a string in NodeJS

I have an input which is: %u05D0%u05DC%20%u05E2%u05DC When I run the built-in browser function (on the console for example): unescape("%u05D0%u05DC%20%u05E2%u0

Utf8 encoding issue with Laravel

I have an issue after deploying my laravel website ( that works properly in local ). Some text are not encoded correctly, for example : what should be Joë

What is the encoding to read and write files with special characters such as en dash, left quotes, etc?

I'm reading csv files that contain special characters such as the long en dash –, left double quotes “, and right double quotes ” and I can't

Python: How to translate UTF8 String containing unicode decoded characters ("Ok\u00c9" to "Oké")

I'm trying to fix the string I'm getting from my python script. I'm doing a call to an API, but it is returning me utf8 String that is still containing unicode

Java - Hashing with HmacSHA384 and encoding with HexDigest

I'm trying to replicate the same signature outcome as the Python code in Java. Python Code Example: secret = "1234abcd".encode() encoded_payload = json.dumps(pa

How to Encode an Image into an HTML file [duplicate]

So this may be a weird question, but bear with me. I am designing a block of code for a website. I am creating a <div></div>

java program to print array element when index is entered by user

Forgive me if my question is stupid, I am a beginner, I found some Java code in which html components and some data were encoded and stored in array as string..

How do I make my plugins work with `set encoding=utf-8` in Vim run from Windows PowerShell?

What I want I want to use the a plugin for Vim and I use the famous plugin manager pathogen for this ( The plugin is vi

Outlook ReportItem.Body returning messed up encoding

If certain users automate the Outlook Client to view bounce backs/ReportItems in a shared inbox, rather than returning the clear text of the message as indicate

python arabic encoding issue

i have a text with windows-1256 encoding. now i want to convert text from arabic(windows-1256) to utf-8 sample text : Óæí Ïæ&a

Which is the correct encoding for a degree character?

I have a line of code that alters text temperature<-as.numeric(gsub("°.*","",temp)) R does not like the "°" character. When I save the file it says

How to encode text to base64 in python

I am trying to encode a text string to base64. i tried doing this : name = "your name" print('encoding %s in base64 yields = %s\n'%(name,name.encode('base64',

If <meta charset=“utf-8”> means that JavaScript is using utf-8 encoding instead of utf-16

I have been trying to understanding why the need for encoding/decoding to UTF-8 happens all over the place in JavaScript land, and learned that JavaScript uses

Node.js get image from web and encode with base64

I'm trying to fetch an image from the web and encode it with base64. what i have so far is basically: var request = require('request'); var BufferList = requi

french accents giving "<?>" in http responses with correct charset (Java)

Calling an API that returns french sentences, all the accented characters are displayed like <?> in my java code, even if the charset is well defined (app

Does flash support Opus codec?

I have googled this but not getting a clear answer. As far as i understand FLV container format currently support the following audio formats MP3, ADPCM, Linear

Native JavaScript support for HTML attribute encoding and JavaScript string encoding?

Attribute values need to be encoded. If I'm building a jQuery object like so: $('<div data-value="' + value + '">'); Really, value must be attribute enc