Category "encryption"

Using std::string for key with AES encryption in Crypto++

I am using Example of AES using Crypto++. I want to encrypt with this key: std::string key = "mykey"; Allocate memory for key byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAU

Crypto.js decrypt with key and iv (vector) in byte arrays

I have to decrypt some strings which are AES encrypted. Example encrypted string: 129212143036071008133136215105140171136216244116 I have a key, and a vector

How to set TLS cipher for Go server?

I'm currently using the following listen and serve command to run a secure websocket/file server: http.ListenAndServeTLS(":443", "site.crt","site.key", router)

Exact alternate to mcrypt_encrypt in PHP 7.2

Since mcrypt_encrypt is no longer supported in PHP 7.2, I am trying for exact alternate to this function. After reading many SO answers I have found the foll

CryptoJS - Decrypt an encrypted file

I'm trying to write an application to do end-to-end encryption for files with JS in browser. However I don't seem to be able to get all files decrypted correctl

How to store password field in oracle 11g database in encrypted form?

I have a table in database with this structure: Username Password Age email Address Phone Number I want to store this table's data manually(not by an input

How to store password field in oracle 11g database in encrypted form?

I have a table in database with this structure: Username Password Age email Address Phone Number I want to store this table's data manually(not by an input

How to securely store a user password in java for reuse throughout application

At the start of my Java application, I have the user enter his username and password. These credentials are stored in a ConnectionKey object which is used as th core, "asn1 encoding routines:asn1_d2i_read_bio:not enough data" error for certificate

When running my core application locally in my Linux Docker container, the following error occurs: Unhandled exception. Interop+Crypto+OpenSslCryptograp

Flutter - How to decrypt a RSA private key encrypted string if we have RSA public key with us?

Flutter app receives public key in the form of contents of public.pem file which would be a string like "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICqq7DBi9sBXZfDYJC+G57JYUC

Is there any difference, if I init AES cipher, with and without IvParameterSpec

I was wondering, is there any difference, if I init AES cipher, with and without IvParameterSpec? With IvParameterSpec SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeyS

Create compatible Java "RSA" signature using a PKCS#8 encoded private key

I have pkcs8_rsa_private_key file which generate by openssl from a rsa_private_key.pem file. I need make a signature by the private key in python, make the same

Getting Started with crypto++ decryption with AES

I'm trying to learn a bit about cryptography and am trying to use AES decryption with the crypto++ library in c++. I have a ciphertext string and a key string.

file is encrypted or is not a database: , while compiling: select count(*) from sqlite_master;

I have an app that has been in production for years. It ships with the standard Sqlite DB. The lastest version of the app has SqlCipher 3.5.6 library integrated

How to convert hexadecimal string to an array of UInt8 bytes in Swift?

I have the following code: var encryptedByteArray: Array<UInt8>? do { let aes = try AES(key: "passwordpassword", iv: "drowssapdrowssap") encrypt

Extract metadata info and Validate digital signature from PDF file using Python

Im trying to validate a PDF which is digitaly signed, and to extract the signers name. Is there any library for doing this job in python? So far I've just come

Invalid argument(s): Input buffer too short AND Invalid or corrupted pad block

I am trying to encrypt and decrypt chat messages for my app using this code String decrypt(String encrypted, {String key, String iv}) { final key = Key.fromUt

Difference result by using sign and verify for signature

I tried to use private key to sign the message digest to generate the signature, and then use public key to verify the signature to get message digest. I want t

How to make html file encrypted?

I want to know, how to make my html file code to encrypted? So that if normal user see the code, then they don't understand the code?