Say you have a byte value equal to its max value, so byte aByte = 255;. When you increment a value past its max value, it usually wraps around to its minimum va
I want to set enum in datatable ColumnProperty of nopcommerce 4.4. I tried things like new ColumnProperty(nameof(await(((TransmitEnumStatus)Model.StatusId).ToSe
I'm looking for a way to return an Enum type nested in a Generic class. Here's what I mean: public interface MapperClass<E, D> { D entityToDto(E enti
Are there any best practices in troubleshooting enums when using with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL provider? It's just that I don't know where to look
In json schema, I can simply define a code list using "enum" with a list of code that is available, for example: { "type": "object", "properties": { "gr
I have a nullable enum property on the source side and get this property with value 0 instead of NULL. But 0 is not a represented value in the enum so AutoMappe
I have a freezed class that takes an enum in its constructor, but when trying to perform the jsonEncode method on this class, it fails with the following error:
The goal is to deserialize xml-arrayitems into my specific enum. using System.Xml.Serialization; public enum Example { [XmlEnum(Name = "Ex1")] Ex1,
Trying to figure out how to store a list of enums in a single table column. I started with a String and it worked. I'll show only the relevant parts of the code
I need to populate a new table in a second schema from an existing one, but having problems casting the "schema1.a.disclosure_level" column enum to the "schema2
I have to create a very generic endpoint for a user. The user may send JSON data or may upload a file to this endpoint. There are multiple options on how to han
I want to refactor my code from sync to async. I use Python and FastAPI. I use the method which calls async function in Enumaration. For example: from enum impo
I am using an Enumeration class like this public class SizeUnit : Enumeration { public static SizeUnit Inch = new SizeUnit(1, nameof(Inch)); public static
In my assignment I have to use an enum to make an EnumSet of elements that fit the criteria given. So, the code needs to be as flexible as possible and allow an
The Problem Suppose I have an enum defined: from enum import Enum, auto class Foo(Enum): DAVE_GROHL = auto() MR_T = auto() and I want to extend this cla
I'm trying to make a list with the raw values of the cases from an enumeration with the new SwiftUI framework. However, I'm having a trouble with conforming the
I have an enum : from enum import Enum class MyEnum(Enum): val1 = "val1" val2 = "val2" val3 = "val3" I would like to validate a pydantic field bas
I have a Schema that has a property with the type of array of strings that are predefined. This is what I've tried to do: interests: { type: [String], e
I'm just wondering if it's possible to override the toString method in dart this is what I have: enum Style{italic, bold, underline} Style.italic.toString() //
I have an enum which is defined as follows: enum MyEnum { X(u32), Y(Vec<MyEnum>), Z(Vec<MyEnum>), } As you can see, the enum is nested