Category "environment-variables"

How do I use an env file with GitHub Actions?

I have multiple environments (dev, qa, prod) and I'm using .env files to store secrets etc... Now I'm switching to GitHub Actions, and I want to use my .env fil

Linux getenv() could not get $PS1 or $PS2

My home world is to write a shell. and I must use $PS2. but when I write a code like this: char *ENV_ps2; ENV_ps2 = getenv("PS2"); I just found ENV_ps2 was

Firebase denies access when using env file

I am trying to create a react-app that works with firebase. So, normally the credentials look like this: const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: ..., authDomai

How to Define Github Branch Specific Secret or an Alternative?

For example, allows the user to define an env variable which is bound to a certain branch. Whereas Github does allow you to define secret env vari

Can one Windows environment variable refer to another windows environment variable?

I want to support two versions of a Windows app easily. It uses environment variables to configure it. I'd like to set up a top level ENV, that can be changed t

Setting environment variables on macOS Catalina

In which file should I set environment variables on macOS Catalina? I have already tried the .bash_profile file but it does't work.

How do i use azure app service env variables inside my application?

i'm trying to setup my project in azure. For this i created an app service and under settings/configuration i added some "Application Settings", which in my und

Delete env variable on mac

enter image description hereI need help, I don't arrive to delete env variable with unset. I want to delete conda env variable: I use unset: I look to env var

Environment variables are getting fetched after build deploy to S3 is Vuejs

I have used Github Actions to build and deploy the Vue app to the S3 bucket. The problem is, the build script cannot fetch ENV from the .env or .env.production

In powershell, how can I define all env vars for the next command similar to python's Popen abilities?

In powershell, how can I... explicitly define all the env vars for the next command? I don't want any system env vars if possible, After this command runs I don

aws eb deploy doesn't load environment variables

I'm deploying symfony project via eb deploy to ec2 instance (aws linux 2). Post deploy migrations scripts works well, but then I try to run symfony command with

java.lang.InternalError: platform encoding not initialized when running EXE4J .exe w/ Java14 on PATH

So this error is a weird one... I'm using EXE4J 6 to build a .exe file for my JavaFX Application. This has worked with no issues through Java version 13.0.1. I

trying to make django load environment vars from a .env.local file using django-environ from within a venv

I keep getting this traceback (pythonApp) D:\task_trackv2>python makemigrations D:\task_trackv2\apps_config\ D:\pythonApp\lib\site-pack

Load a .env file with PHP

I'm currently coding on a pure PHP project and I need to load an .env file to get some variables. After a bit of searching I turned to the vlucas/phpdotenv plug

docker-compose Equivalent to Docker Build --secret Argument

We have used the technique detailed here to expose host environment variables to Docker build in a secured fashion. # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2 FROM golang:1

Is there a way to Hot Reload my Vue Page after changing an Environment Variable in VueJS?

I want to have different modes for my application, so I created different .env files to store my environment variables. Using these variables works fine, the on

Consume Cloud Run environment variables inside Nextjs app

I've recently built a Nextjs app, which I am hosting on Google Cloud Run. My app makes some requests to external APIs from the getStaticProps() method. I would

configparser.InterpolationSyntaxError: '%' must be followed by '%' or '(', found: '%s %s'

I am trying to read from ini file and replace it with os environment variables. My ini file: [svc1] host=%(TEST_IP)s port=%(TEST_PORT)s database=test_db user=te

How to use AWS Amplify environment variables in React app?

I have the ReactJS app deployed on AWS Amplify. Also, the environment variables that I need in js code are in Amplify. How can I use them from my code? How do a

C# - Get all environment variables in sorted order

I'm trying to get a sorted list of all environment variables for logging purpose using System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables() which returns an IDictionary