Category "epplus"

Value does not fall within the expected range on async call?

I am reading data from SQL and writing that data on an excel sheet as the data is too large so I am using async call for writing the data in excel. The library

HTML export on EPPlus?

Had a quick question about the EPPlus library. Can it export an excel spreadsheet as an HTML page? The application I am writing needs to be able to do this.

How to read an excel file stored in Azure Storage as a Blob File

I want to read an excel file stored in an Azure Storage container as a Blob using Epplus package in C#. I have tried to do something with this code. string uri

Showing #value! before enable editing on excel if I write formula using epplus

Using C# .net core I am updating existing excel template with Data and formulas using EPPlus lib If you see the below screen shots all formula cells ha

Freeze panes in Excel using C# and EPPlus

I want to freeze first 5 columns and three rows in excel. I have written the following code for that Worksheets.View.FreezePanes(5, 5); but it freezes column

Bold and Italics not working in excel with EPPLUS

I am using the below code for updating excel data format, here I want the heading to be in bold and entire data in italics format but when I run the code all th