Category "erp"

How to uncheck suggested recipients for message ODOO 14?

In odoo 14 when I open an opportunity and I press the button "New Message", the customer from that opportunity appears as a receiver of the message by default.

How to find previous weeks date?

The method should retrieve the date in the previous week that corresponds most closely to the specified date. fromdate = prevMth(systemDateGet()); need to chan

Troubleshooting Errors with Two SUMs

I have a table, it's going to be used for a supplier scorecard, with eleven different fields that can be assigned a value of 1-5. Null values are allowed. I

Best way to create a data-filling bot for a ERP

Let me give you a bit of background. Currently we are using an ERP software in which we have to record some data that comes from another system. At this moment