I'm using esm which is a very useful package to support ES import keywords. According to the doc, in REPL, it can use preload command-line option to initialize
I want to test if a function in a module generated something in document but I am having trouble defining the document variable. I have simulated it jsdom but I
I am moving an Express app across from CommonJS require syntax to the ES6 module import syntax. This is fine until I try and use dotenv to load my environment v
I have a Node.js project. I want to use auto-bind package @v5.0.0. The versions above v4 , are ESM type. so can't use then by require('') . but my Node.js proje
I just started to learn React today. How do I get rid of that error message on my Console in the Terminal in Visual Studio. (node: 9374)Warning: To load an ES m
I am creating an observable (RxJS) in NodeJS using ESM. Inside the observable I am performing a query with mongoose. I get the result, but the console returns e
When I create components in React, they're all in a folder called component and each component has a dedicated folder with the same name as the component itself
Node.js 13 recently rolled out an experimental ESModule loader, starting to take the switch away from CommonJS. However, code ran in an ESModule in Node.js isn'
When using CommonJS modules in Node, you can detect whether a script is being run from the command line using require.main === module. What is an equivalent wa
All modern versions of Node need to run packages as modules is "type": "module" in package.json, but I don't see any flags for npm init or yarn init that will a
I've got the following code I transformed from a Trypescript, ESM-syntax based file to a Javascript, CJS-syntax file. const apiClientFactory = require("@vue-sto
When I follow the instructions found here and add the import reference as they specify: import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Button"; the application works fine a
I'm loading a javascript file using jquery with the usual: // file application.js $.getScript("module.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) { ... }); So far
I have referred all the questions in stackoverflow. But none of the suggested why and when to use default export. I just saw that default can be metioned "Wh
Have got a successful jest/esm setup, however occasionally a module is released that specifies both a main key (for commonjs) and a module key (for ESM) in its
I want to use this library via CDN.https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/lit-element My js code is here. import { LitElement, html } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr
I have an ES6 module where I am exporting a library. I want to be able to use this module in an Angular component. I cannot have the library files locally withi
I have an ES6 module where I am exporting a library. I want to be able to use this module in an Angular component. I cannot have the library files locally withi
When loading scripts without using modules, I could use the document.currentscript to access custom attributes. E.g. <script src="js/myscript.js" data-custom
These are my sample files: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script src="t1.js"></script> </h