Category "etcd"

Where can I find information about roadmap "pgbouncer", "Etcd", "patroni"?

Could you please tell me if there is information about the update schedule(when support for different versions ends, when new ones are planned to be released).

how to update the etcd member list

my cluster have 3 master node, now I have shutdown 1 master node, then I check the member from etcd database: [root@fat001 bin]# ETCDCTL_API=3 /opt/k8s/bin/etcd

etcd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded

I am working through "learn kubernetes the hard way" and am at the "bootstrapping the etcd cluster" step:

The etcdserver throws warnings of request 'took to long'

I have an MKE cluster with three manager node. The etcd is giving the following warnings 2021-12-06 10:03:10.624622 W | etcdserver: read-only range request "key