Category "ether"

How do I add ether to my localhost Metamask wallet with Hardhat?

I've connected metamask to a node created with hardhat. I can connect to this node on http://localhost:8545 network in metamask after setting the chain id to ma

Set gas limit on contract method in ethers.js

Problem I am trying so use a method of a contract in the testnetwork (ropsten), but it fails due to this error: reason: 'cannot estimate gas; transaction may f

First Metamask ETH transaction Ropsten faucet failed

I'm following the instructions off the book Mastering Ethereum, ( and I've hit a snag. I've set up th

Solidity Error: member balance not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract

I'm getting this error in Solidity for the following code snippet: member balance not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract functio