Category "excel"

Excel 365 formula to retrieve client's newest score

I am using this formula to pull the client's highest score: =MAX(IF(FILTER(Appointments!G:G, Appointments!C:C=C2)>0,FILTER(Appointments!G:G, Appointments!C:C

Populate word tables from an Excel table

From our audit database I derive an Excel table like this one below. What I need to do is populate a table in a word template document with the content of the f

Sumproduct, Multiple Options & Blank Values

I am currently trying to produce a filter/summary for a data set using Sumproduct. The data is a list of codes, regions and managers each with a row value (&po

PowerShell script to copy filtered data in Excel to another sheet

I am new to PowerShell. I have a file name as Input.xlsx file, which will contain 3 columns and we an filter on any column and save it. My requirement is to cop

Different Linear Formula in Same Chart in Excel

I want to ask something. I have data close to the lineare in Excel but with different values: Y: 88.0 87.4 86.5 83.2 X: 2004 3002 3900 4500 I have created a gr

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

I'm using Apache POI 3.6, I want to read an excel file which has a date like this 8/23/1991. switch (cell.getCellType()) { ... ... case HSSFCell.CE

Error 1004 keeps popping out when trying to execute the sort VBA command

Part 1: Please help to advise where did it went wrong. Would like to sort for column E via descending order with header Sub SortRows() Dim destSht As Worksheet

Can you use SUBSTITUTE for many values without nesting?

Is there a way to swap many instances of strings at once without nesting? For instance, say I want to drop all instances of the following values from a string:

Object required for comboboxes/checkboxes that already exist on my worksheet?

Okay, totally noob coder here. I'm working on a sheet that has a repeating series of 1 combo box linked to one other combobox and a checkbox. Basically, the fir

How to reduce the displayed Majorgridlines in order to match them to the "Category" texts?

Within this picture, an Excel chart is displaying approximately 100 values + times (red curve): Excel is "intelligent enough" to reduce the number of the displ

Transferring string arrays from VBA7 to C++

I'm currently working on a project where I want to be able to manipulate and graph data with relative ease in Excel. However, a lot of the data involved exceeds

data time Format recognition in exported excel with xlsxwriter

I didn't find a solution for this: From a dataframe I generate an excel and some columns need to be in format hh:mm:ss (with no limit to 24h, for example a valu

Loop through three specific Outlook folders

I have Excel VBA code that imports Outlook mail data from one folder into Excel. I change this for three folders all at the same level (not subfolders). Is ther

For Each Loop stops after deleting one row

I am trying to use an if else statement to delete the entire row when a text value is found in a cell within a given range. The code stops after deleting one ro

Excel convert digits into respective words [closed]

I would like to convert the number of digits in excel into respective words as shown in the picture above. How can I achieve this functionali

System error when opening macro &H800700C1

I was using regularly a macro add-in in excel which stopped working all of a sudden. I get several error messages in the following order when I launch the macro

Exporting sheets as pdf error: Run-time error '1004'. We didn't find anything to print

I'm trying to export all sheets in the workbook as separate pdf files using one button. I followed a YouTube tutorial:

Excel Index / vlookup between varied row amounts

I am trying to use a vlookup / index to pull some numbers. Sample data attached: A: merged cells (the number is stored in the top of cell of the merge) B: Only

Azure Data Factory - Trigger Pipeline Manually Externally

I currently have a Data Pipeline within ADF that pulls data from multiple REST APIs, transforms the data and stores it in an Azure SQL Database and from there i

Read excel file in python using pandas

I am trying to read excel file in pycharm using pandas. I installed the package successfully. My issue is that I am trying to use file location in addition to i