Category "exception"

.NET CORE, how to get file location for an exception in a web app, in middleware?

I've seen this question: How can I get the line number and file name from an exception in net Core? And tried the code, but it always says line 0 and no file na

How to handle mqtt disconnection on Node-RED?

I'm implementing a draft of a connection between 2 Raspberry and an Arduino, connected via mqtt. I'm working on Node-RED flows and I used mqtt nodes. As you can

WebView2 Environment Exception on application hosted on a network (Requested resource is in use)

I am unable to show more than one WebView2 control in an application hosted on a network shared folder. Let me say straight out of the bat that the solutions di

Adding details in custom exception handling

I am currently developing a custom exception middleware and I also have my own exceptions. The goal is to be able to have a common library for multiple APIs and

iOS App sometimes crashes on Release Mode (EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV))

Currently experiencing a problem where the app sometime crashes only in release mode. Any ideas on how to decode the IOS Crash log, i've attached a small sectio

Exception has occured: WebDriverException // Session deleted because of page crash

while I was able to get help on another issue with a python-based web scraper, another issue comes up when I run the code. Page crash Can someone tell me why it

Angular schematics exception: "NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID"

I have a custom schematic that won't apply to a new project... I also looked at this question but I couldn't make it work... My main workspace runs with this co

Angular schematics exception: "NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID"

I have a custom schematic that won't apply to a new project... I also looked at this question but I couldn't make it work... My main workspace runs with this co

Raising Python exceptions

I am aware of how to raise exceptions and how to catch them, but how do you know when to raise a certain common exception such as KeyError or ValueError? And wh

Read information of ID causing error from Exception

In C# My Sql Entity Framework 6 Insert is return exception Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (portaldb.masterselectionhistory, C

how to handle errors in exception filters with Fastify NestJs?

Im using the following code to catch error in fastify, however my error is that "response.send" is not a function: What's the right way to send the error on my

Azure Service Bus Namespace creation is failing with unknown error

When I am trying to create a Service Bus Namespace in Azure. It is failing with the below exception. Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceBus.Models.ErrorResponseE

Python tenacity: How to retry if exception is NOT of a certain type?

How to retry a function if the exception is NOT of a certain type using Python's tenacity? retry_if_exception_type will retry if there is risen an exception of

How to throw my own Exception with a pre written method in Java?

I have written my own Exception but I can't throw it. The application still terminates and gives me the standard error Message: Exception in thread "main" java.

Exception cannot be converted to Throwable

I'm working on macOS with JDK8. In catch, I have to give the entire name of exception like in this case (ArithmeticException e) instead of (Exception e) to run

"'Connection' object has no attribute '_sftp_live'" when pysftp connection fails

I'd like to catch nicely the error when "No hostkey for host *** is found" and give an appropriate message to the end user. I tried this: import pysftp, paramik

How to prevent python program crash when receiving alphabetical characters

My code is working just the way I want - unless input contains alphabetical characters. If so, is crashes. How can I prevent that? My code is as follows: def ma

Reading of Elasticsearch with pyspark fails with exceptn java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/httpclient/protocol/ProtocolSocketFactory

I have a spark cluster in kubernetes based on image Spark version version 2.4.0 Using Scala version 2.11.12, OpenJDK

What does "Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

My Swift program is crashing with EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION and one of the following similar errors. What does this error mean, and how do I fix it? Fatal error:

Python exception type object inheritance

I need to retrieve the name of the object in which an error has occured. The error is catched in a try exception statement. The error type as returned by err_ty