Category "exoplayer"

Stopping Exoplayer on swiping in viewPager

I am making a reels type app. I have made a ReelsFragment and ReelsAdapter. I have used View Pager 2 to swipe views vertically. I am using Exoplayer to play vid

Exoplayer only showing black screen not playing the video

When I open the app empty player with black screen is showing and the play button is changing to pause button after a second or two seconds, as per below I ha

How to identify the HDMI port and TV switch in android programmatically?

I want to know how to handle the HDMI switch to TV's home events. I have developed an app with exoplayer for FireTV. Issue is when I switch between HDMI port an

Android - Exoplayer shows blank screen instead of Playing video

I am trying to integrate Exoplayer library to my android app. Below are the following code i have implemented in android app. Layout.xml <?xml version="1.

> Could not find

I am facing this exoplayer not found error in video android studio application after I updated my project dependencies. I don't know how to update old Exoplayer

Android Exoplayer only playing audio without video

I'm accessing an mp4 file on the web - it runs just fine in the browser but for some reason I can only seem to get the audio portion to work in my app. Any help

how to play one video in view pager with exo player

i am making a app where i am playing videos with exo player in view pager but problem is that i am not able play one video at a time. all videos playing there a

How can I embed Ffmpeg extension into Exoplayer under windows?

For some reasons I have to work under windows 10 OS with Android-Studio as IDE. My problem is that, exoplayer uses software and hardware decoders of Android-TV

Android ExoPlayer delay when playing audio

In my app, I'm trying to use ExoPlayer to play audio and video together at the same time using MergingMediaSource. The problem is that it buffers for several mi

Exoplayer doesnt play any video

Have a problem getting Exoplayer to work. I managed to load the video from a url. But it only plays the audio. So i am doing something wrong. BandwidthMete

Sometime video buffering very slowly in exoplayer?

I don't know why, but sometimes Exoplayer buffers my video very slowly. My server is responding properly and the internet is also fast but sometimes Exoplayer b