Category "explorer"

Git alias to open the git installation folder

I want to create a git alias git dir, which when used should open the git installation folder via Windows Explorer, how to implement such an alias?

Windows explorer.exe /select <filepath> doesn't work with new folders

I copy or rename a folder containing some files. Then, in a command line window I type: explorer /select,"<full-path-to-a-file-in-new-folder>" The result

"No view is registered with id: codespaces.explorerDetails" and "No view is registered with id: codespaces.explorer"

I am new to Visual Studio Code. I have configured my environment for C/C++ development and everything is working. However, when starting VS Code, I receive thes

Check if Windows File Explorer is already opened in python

I have simple script that launches Windows File Explorer import subprocess["start", "explorer.exe"],shell=True) I'd like to check if Windows F

open a specified path in cmd in windows

I want to open a specified path in vscode in windows 10 and I know there is a command that do this: path> code . but my problem is, how can I open a specifie

Tkinter - way to open a directory window in Windows Explorer

I've been looking into Tkinter and recently have made a small program just to monitor folders and check how many files are inside. I'de like to create buttons