I am doing a react native course with Mosh (https://codewithmosh.com/). I am using expo. I am very new to react native and don't really know what I am doing, bu
Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun
Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun
I want to have a modal on top of another modal. For some reason when the modals visible parameter is set to true it doesn't show on top of the current modal. Ho
I built an app in react native in Expo. After trying to make a build for google play store, I ran the command 'eas build --platform android' but I got the error
When I change my mobile theme from light to dark it is affecting the background color of my react native app. I just want it to always remain white but it chang
I was using expo release-channel for "on-air updates". And it was working well, until that day. I used command like: expo publish --release-channel staging-v2
I am running the Pixel 5 API 30 avd in Android Studio with react native client coding. I am using the expo image picker to pick the image and return to the appl
I have build two app bundles for same application by pure react native (version 0.66) and expo bare workflow (expo eject, expo version: 42.0.1, react-native ver
When migrating to EAS, I was reading the Migration Docs and saw that EAS builds are requiring the entire defaultConfig from expo/metro-config. I was having a to
Need suggestion and advice, I am using the below 2 lines of code in react native expo component, this.props.navigation.navigate("App"); patchUser(this.state.da
I am making an app to read Quran, using react native (expo). I am having some problems formatting the text. Problems: Random spacing Text resize automatically T
I am running an android app that is created using react native expo. It is running fine on windows machine android studio emulator Recently I switched to mac an
I'm publishing my app to App Store and I have doubts regarding the "Missing Compliance" step. Here's some info about the app: I used Expo (Managed workflow). T
I am learning react native from Udemy. In one of the lessons I saw AppLoading has been used for loading fonts. So i want to learn about it in documentation from
i have created an app for our local Fire Station with Push Notifications in emergency cases. This works as expected. Now the critical alerts entitlement request
I need to fix this error. Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNGestureHandlerRootView" was not found in the UIManager. This error is located at: in R
I'm trying to integrate some e2e tests into my react native (expo ejected) mobile project. I'm following the instructions found on the detox Getting Started pag
We are using AuthSession.startAsync to initiate an authentication process in our app, which is working fine on iOS and Android. However when we run it the web b
I want to disable the default Expo splash screen and show my custom screen component. I've removed the following code from app.json but still there is a white b