Category "expo"

iOS build failed: React Native App With Expo

We're trying to deploy our react native app using expo to the App Store but our build keeps failing in the "install pods" section. I've attached the error appea

Tunnel URL not found, falled back to LAN URL

How do I run my expo app using the tunnel? It worked last week but for the last 3 days, it stopped working. Code written: expo start --tunnel Methods I tried:

How to reduce Android APK size in react-native?

I am working on react native project , but whenever i am building an Apk file , it give me Apk of 47MB. I tried every documentation which i found useful on goog

Redux Toolkit Query real time updates

is it possible get real time updates maybe I have a product and the amount of product goes from 2 to 1, can I show this in real time with rtk query ?

Cant download on iOS with expo-file-system

Im trying to download using Expo-File-System on an expo project with react native. The download option works on Expo-Go during testing but wont work when i push

Google API - Places autocomplete in React Native Expo Project

I am developing mobile app using React Native Expo. I am using react-native-google-places-autocomplete for text auto completetion of location/places. It is Goog

'expo start' or 'npm start' command stuck at ''Starting metro bundler"

I am using react native expo for building mobile app. I followed below steps:- expo init myapp cd myapp expo start After running above 3 commands everything was

Trying to import realm, but getting error: Missing Realm constructor. Did you run "pod install"? (I'm using windows)

I'm making a mobile application with react native. I want to use Realm (mongodb). So after running: npm install realm realm was correctly added in the "node_mo

Expo - React Native / Firebase app, APK working different than on Expo go app

I have built an app with Expo & firebase and its working with the expo go app. I ran "expo build:android" and got my APK file. The app loads and my Login an

Google sign in with Firebase 09 : signInWithPopup and signInWithRedirect return an undefined error

Here is the authcontext import and code import {signInWithPopup, GoogleAuthProvider, createUserWithEmailAndPassword, getAuth, onAuthStateChanged, signInWithEmai

Expo React Native - Emulator Debug menu shortcut suddenly stopped working on Windows

I am developing React Native App using Expo (not ejected) and Android Studio official AVD. I am on Windows. There is shortcut CTRL-M what opens Expo's (React

How to login using googe sign on react-native expo

I have a project that requires google sign in and I have installed and followed the instruction on the firebase but I keep getting this error (0, _auth.signInW

React Native app Image does not appears in Chrome browser and GitHub link with Network Images on device

I'm trying to figure out with images in React Native <Image source={require('./assets/favicon.png')} /> and Network Images according Docs Static Image R

Android react-native-webview “SSL Error: Hostname mismatch” (expo)

when I use the WebView on expo with an external uri which I’m not the owner (I’m doing an SSO Auth page that uses cookies), if I open on iOS everyth

Caching images in expo is thowing Failed to load assets error in production

This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa

Caching images in expo is thowing Failed to load assets error in production

This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa

React Native Expo: Barcodescanner camera doesn't rotate when i press the rotate button

I'm using React Native Expo. Currently i'm trying to make an application which uses a barcodescanner for scanning QR-code objects. I've implemented a turn camer

React native (expo) have a different navigation bar color for each page (on Android)

Android phones that have a navigation bar like that from the iPhone, have the default background color as white, which looks really off if my screen's backgroun

Expo build:web builds huge bundle and slow website with bad performance

The bundle size produced by expo build:web is huge at average 3mb. I completed steps at My app has no images so no

Expo: Get audio data realtime and send via Socket.IO

App I want to make I would like to make audio recognition mobile app like Shazam with Expo Expo AV( Tensorflow se