Category "export"

SheetJS xlsx-style need cell style in excel

I am trying to export excel using SheetJS/xlsx and want to format cell. I am using following code and excel is generating but can't format a cell. Can any one p

angular 7 How to export ngx-datatable content to a excel sheet?

I have a pb with ngx-datatable and export excel. I try to use fileSaver, with angular 7. I implement a button for export and do this on it : var blob = new Bl

ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `Tag' before initialization

Hi I'm working on a Vanilla JS SPA project, and I wanted to implement some principles from React, but just in plain JavaScript. But there is an issue with impo

Can we export PDF and PPT of an embedded Power BI report by calling an the Export feature of the Power BI Service/Workspace

We have an embedded Power BI Report and we wish to have an export functionality in the website which calls the export option that is present in the top bar in t

jQuery DataTables format output for export, exclude buttons

For the jquery data table, I have a table displayed in one of the columns in the Datatable and wanted to enable the user to toggle it on/off. When exporting to

How to export matlab matrix to .txt in a format supported by c

As I state in the title, I want to export a matrix from matlab to a .txt file in format that is supported by C. What I mean is something like this { { 1, 2, 3,

Error in exporting fastreport to pdf on c#

I want to export .frx report that designed by FastReport as an pdf or excel file on a c# web form application like code below: public static bool ShowRepor

Kentico Kontent is not loading in google sheet addon

My question is about kentico blogs export. I want to export article data from kentico to shopify blog. So, I talked to kentico support and they suggested that I

Create EXCEL from html table using C#

I am trying to create an excel sheet for shipping products using C# and HTML table. The image shown below is my HTML as it looks in the browser. What I am tryin

How to export an associative array (hash) in bash?

Related, but not a duplicate of: How to define hash tables in Bash? I can define and use a bash hash, but I am unable to export it, even with the -x flag. For

Firebase: export user accounts’ email and password hashes

I use email/password authentication for my Firebase. I’m considering moving to a different backend and I’m wondering if there is any way to export

Why Is `Export Default Const` invalid?

I see that the following is fine: const Tab = connect( mapState, mapDispatch )( Tabs ); export default Tab; However, this is incorrect: export default const