Category "extjs"

Change text color of a Ext.ComponentQuery.query

I'm working with Sencha Architect. I'm passing values ​​from a localStorage to a displayfield. get_name: function(component, eOpts) { let da

Why does the ExtJS style not match the official web demo?

This is the official demo This is my demo The splitter element style is different, I don't know why this happened. And my code is here, and I put my demo to htt

Extjs 4.X Move records of a grid UP/DOWN with a button

This post is continuation of my earlier post (here) for which I couldnt find a working solution (yet). In brief: I have created a Extjs (4.X) grid which has rec

How Do I Modify an EXTjs app to be 508 Compliant?

I have recently inherited a web app using the EXTjs framework. I'm not really that familiar with it, but I have been learning it the best I can over the last f

ExtJs View with multiple style (scss) for each language

My ExtJs application has to be multilingual. On the login page, I asked the user to select the language from a dropdown list. the current structure of my applic

ExtJs - Unselect multiple rows in grid with selType: "checkboxmodel"

Is there a way to unselect multiple rows holding SHIFT (that are already selected)? See fiddle here. No luck yet. Thanks.

How to save values in appsettings.json fetched from UI display

For UI, I am using Extjs, for server side, C#. My problem is i have a appsettings.json property under HubSettings, LiveStream is the property and it has Url, an

Retain the selection in previous page when moved to next in ExtJS Combo box

I have the ExtJs form combo which shows the values in the dropdown as checkbox and the value to select. I have used the pagination to list all the values with n

How to stop a setTimeout loop?

I'm trying to build a loading indicator with a image sprite and I came up with this function function setBgPosition() { var c = 0; var numbers = [0, -12

Extjs 4.x Grid drag and drop records with parent-child relation

I have created a Extjs (4.X) grid which has records of parents and childrens. The records are in sorted order where in the childrens always appear just below th

Easy way to add a date picker to a regular text field?

I'd like to add a date picker to a text field as part of an expression builder. E.g. you can enter something like: date <= │ (where │ is the cur

Showing ValueField(Id) in the next page in Extjs ComboBox Pagination

I have the ExtJs form combo which shows the values in the dropdown as checkbox and the value to select. I have used the pagination to list all the values with n

How to render a form in a grid row

I'm trying to render a form within a custom row grid without success. handler: function (button, record, pressed, eOpts) { var grid = this.up('grid');

Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander.setCmp(): The 'rowBodyTpl' config is required and is not defined (ExtJS 7.3x)

I am trying to use the RowExpander plugin, and I am getting the error app.js?_dc=1622045752220:5338 [E] Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander.setCmp(): The 'rowBodyTpl' c

Extjs 6 combobox「queryMode: 'local'」 data not showing

So I have a combobox that is loaded dynamically for a certain view. Whenever I put the queryMode to remote, it would load the data if I clicked the combobox, bu

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dom' of undefined

How to solve this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dom' of undefined in extjs? I`m using dnd and put dnd code into layout browser code : // G

how to get value from Ext.Ajax.request

Ext.Ajax.request({ url:'abc/abc/abc', success: function(response){ var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText); var value=result.roles;

Does Intellisense work with objects extended with Ext.extend?

I can't get get Intellisense to display any methods other than Object methods when I inherit through Ext.extend(). Is it possible for Intellisense to display t

Does anybody know how to load data in ExtJS TreeGrid on demand?

I have found a good TreeGrid control in ExtJS library. But there is one thing, I have very big tree and I need the loading on demand. Does anybody know how to