Category "fastify"

NestJS Middleware Not Executed

The NestJS class or functional middleware doesn't run when connected from a Module. It is also not working for a single path, controller or for every path. Conn

How to get handler route in NestJS Interceptor (For both Express and Fastify)

I am having issues trying to get a hold of the NestJS handler's route in an interceptor I am writing. For instance, if a Controller had a route as such: @Get

How to use TypeScript with Sequelize

I already have my server application written in Node, PostgreSQL, Sequelize using Fastify. Now I would like to use TypeScript. Can anyone tell me how to begin

Is there anyway to get types interfaces for request, response in Nest.js with Fastify

I am learing Nest.js and on the beging of documentation I read that I can use it not only with express but also with fastify so I setuped up my first project wi

Unable to download a sent file with fastify

Edit No solutions worked for me, so I ended up doing the following: // in handler return reply.sendFile('my_script.sql', 'scripts'); // on the client const {

How to watch file changes with ts and js build

I have a project with fastify, apollo server fastify and nx. I want to add a script to build my code and run the js files. the problem is that if I make any cha

How to send response from middleware created in a Nest fastify server?

I've created a NestJs project with Fastify, and have created a middleware for it, but I can't figure out how to send a response to the client, similar to how we