Category "fastlane"

AWS Amplify clients always fail to build with Expo

Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun

AWS Amplify clients always fail to build with Expo

Following the AWS Amplify documentation for Expo with the steps below, building with EAS build fails with [RUN_FASTLANE] › Executing baseline » Bun

Prevent fast lane from checking App Store latest build number and increasing it

When I set a build number in my Xcode project lower than the latest uploaded build. Fastlane changes build number for the produced build and set it to latest+1.

Code Signing issue when Archiving using Fastlane in Github actions

Recently we have migrated all of our iOS projects from GitLab to GitHub. However when we are trying to build the code using GitHub Actions(Fastlane) In our self

Fastlane iOS: Keeps building for simulator when using "iphoneos" sdk

I'm attempting to write a fastlane script that zips and uploads my app and testplan to Firebase Test Lab. It is currently failing because it keeps building the

"APKs are not allowed for this application" when submitting an expo build to play store

I'm trying to submit a build to Google play internal testing but it fails with the error: Google Api Error: Invalid request - APKs are not allowed for this appl

The connection to service named was invalidated on xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies

I am using fastlane to build my unity iphone application. It worked perfectly until all of a sudden i started getting the following error/warning during build:

Windows. How set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=1

Now I have GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 . And if I do git clone - will fail without prompting for username & password. I

Firebase app distribution via Fastlane "the server responded with status 404"

I'm trying distribute app using firebase app distribution via fastlane. When I run firebase_app_distribution, it seems to login into Google successfully but som

Fastlane Apple Generic versioning not enabled in this project

What I’m doing is trying to make bitbucket pipline do my iOS CD, I included docker fastlanetools/fastlane image and in the steps i pull and run the docker

Using fastlane match gives me: your developer account needs to be updated

I'm using fastlane in my react native app. I am following the documentation in and everythinhg works fine

Firebase app distribution via Fastlane "the server responded with status 403"

I setup Firebase app distribution feature in Fastlane Fastfile to distribute beta version of my iOS app. It was working fine but It suddenly started showing err

Gitlab CI-CD using Fastlane An error occurred while installing rake (13.0.6), and Bundler cannot continue

I am trying to integrate CI-CD using Fastlane all the lanes are working fine in my personal laptop but when I try to push it on my repo and after the job starts

App Store Connect: automate releasing/updating app after submit for review with "Manually release this version"

This may sound paradoxical. My goal is to find a tool which automates the process of logging in to App Store Connect, and click the Make App Available button. T

APK version code conflict despite Google Play Store showing otherwise

I am using fastlane to automatically increment my version code and deploy my app. I am getting the error apkNotificationMessageKeyUpgradeVersionConflict: APK sp

Problem with Flutter fastlane with flavors

Has anyone used fastlane with flutter and two flavors? I have a flutter application with two schemes App_A and App_B. I am trying to configure fastlane for conf

How do we add swift compile flag to `gym` when using fastlane

There are not much documentation about this here in the office documentation page The only thing that mentioned comp

Azure pipeline fails on building Kotlin Multiplatform shared framework usinig embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode and fastlane

I'm working on a Kotlin Multiplatform project which is building fine locally but I can't get it to work on an Azure DevOps pipeline. Some good things to know: n

Maybe the error shown is caused by using the wrong version of Xcode

I have an already working react-native project, with bitrise and fastlane deploy also configured. I used to build the app with the xcode 12.5 version, but with

Error when building ios application using fastlane remotely

i am trying to fix an error which i get when i try to ssh into mac-mini and run fastlane remotely. The following build commands failed: CodeSign /Users/ec2-user