Category "ffmpeg"

Should I use FFMPEG library vs CLI

In terms of performance, what is better to use, an FFMPEG library(like or the FFMPEG command line interface?

FFmpeg package for Apple Silicon [closed]

I'm in the process of porting all of our code to Apple M1 (ARM), and some of our products use FFmpeg. Are there any library packages by FFmpeg

FFmpeg - What does non monotonically increasing dts mean?

Observations - Part - I I saw a suggestion elsewhere to run the following command to see if there's something wrong with my .mp4. ffmpeg -v error -i ~/Deskto

FFmpeg IF/ELSE statement

I am doing reencoding of lots of video files, and sometimes some of them have subtitles included, some dont. Is it possible to "ignore" -vf "subtitles=%%f:force

how to fix Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1; when using ffmpeg

When I use ffmpeg to convert m3u8 to mp4, I get some warning, ffmpeg -i xx.m3u8 -c copy demo.mp4 warning is Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1; previ

GPU-accelerated video processing with ffmpeg

I want to use ffmpeg to accelerate video encode and decode with an NVIDIA GPU. From NVIDIA's website: NVIDIA GPUs contain one or more hardware-based decod

How to build ffmpeg with hardware decoding support for raspberry pi? (cross compilation if possible)

Is it possible to build ffmpeg with decoding support for Raspberry Pi? I've read that mmal can do hardware accelerated decoding on the Raspberry Pi. I've tried

Is there a way to use ffmpeg for RGB to true YUV (not YCbCr) conversion?

As far as I can see in the documentation, all conversions involving YUV actually use YCbCr. There are slight differences though, and I would like to convert to

How to export Adobe Connect video?

I'm very new to all this, and learning. I followed the advice given here How can I export an Adobe Connect recording as a video? to download a video from an Ado

Best way to concatenate videos that have different resolution (generally 1080 or 720)

from command line or python would be best. and i am trying to concatenate around 15 clips of 45 seconds. preferably easy to automate with different number of vi

FFMPEG hangs (sometimes) when trying to take a photo from USB camera?

I am attempting to write a script that takes a photo every 3 seconds from camera source "1", the -pix_fmt I think is unique to my USB camera. Here is the script

Pipe and OpenCV to FFmpeg with audio streaming RTMP in Python

I'm trying to stream FFmpeg with audio. I will show my code below: Import module import subprocess as sp Create variables rtmpUrl = "rtmp://

Why doesn't FFmpeg work when using yt-dlp in python script?

I'm trying to download a video using yt-dlp in python. ydl_opts = {'format': 'bv+ba/b'} with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:'https://www.reddit.c

ffmpeg H264 - How to add user unregistered SEI Message while encoding stream

I'm working on an application where I need to insert some user unregistered SEI data in every frame before encoding it. I can't seem to find any API to add the

Applescript to batch convert videos with ffmpeg

I'm trying to add padding to a large amount of videos in their folders. I created an app with AppleScriptEditor so I can drag and drop files and they're automat

Libav API: Filtering + Transconding

I need to process a list of several audio files (MP3 and WAV) and mix them to generate an audio stream (AAC codec / fltp) to be included into an mp4 file (using

Pipe opencv images to ffmpeg using python

How can I pipe openCV images to ffmpeg (running ffmpeg as a subprocess)? (I am using spyder/anaconda) I am reading frames from a video file and do some process

Python add audio to video opencv

I use python cv2 module to join jpg frames into video, but I can't add audio to it. Is it possible to add audio to video in python without ffmpeg? P.S. Sorry fo

FFMPEG: create a transparent background with lavfi?

I can create a transparent background using lavfi by setting colorkey - but that gives problems with edges around fonts, etc. ffmpeg.exe -y -f lavfi -i color=s

Image Video Thumbnail creating using PHP-FFmpeg

I am using PHP-FFmpeg for video thumbnail genaration. My code is below <?php $video = "a.mp4"; $image = "thumb.jpg"; $frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordi