Category "file"

PHP - Write console output to file AND to console?

I want to write the console output to a file AND to the console itself. To write the console output to a file I'm using this: ob_start(); ... ... $output = ob

How to start iterating a file at specific line?

I’m iterating through a file’s lines with enumerate(), and sometimes would need to start the iterating at a specific file line, so I attempted testf

How to get image in response with postman

I have an endpoint to get the image i uploaded earlier, it works but not well I don't know if i can get the image in response my controller endpoint: @PreAuth

Binary file edit in Win CMD

How to split or edit binary file in Win CMD? I'm on Win 10 x64, and there's no DEBUG utility eg. to replace all 0a with 0d0a or change a byte value at some byt

How to save Base64 String to file and view it using Flutter

I need to download and view file (if possible, for Image, PDF, etc) using Flutter. My problem is, the file that I want to download is Base64 String. How can I

How to copy files from local machine to docker container on windows

I have to import data files from a user local file C:/users/saad/bdd to a docker container (cassandra), I didn't find how to proceed using docker commands. I'm

Open a file's properties window using Java

This is a question only regarding Java in Windows. I need a method that will call this window: So essentially the method should be something like: public v

Function to parse automaticly files .txt after 24 hour in c++

I have a project and I'm new to C++ Well I have to parse a file.txt that contains transaction informations in an ATM. And there is files named as the date of th

What is the encoding to read and write files with special characters such as en dash, left quotes, etc?

I'm reading csv files that contain special characters such as the long en dash –, left double quotes “, and right double quotes ” and I can't

Node.js Large File Uploads to MongoDB blocking the Event Loop and Worker Pool

So I want to upload large CSV files to a mongoDB cloud database using a Node.js server using Express, Mongoose and Multer's GridFS storage engine, but when the

Create API for upload file to zoho catalyst using node js

I am creating API for upload file to Zoho Catalyst using Zoho Catalyst dependancy but i got an error that request body is wrong format.'/upload

myFile.write(item+"\n") TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Getting error: myFile.write(item+"\n") TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' and not sure why. Where shall I add the int? This i

Download file from API using javascript

I need to force download of file using JavaScript. I am using Angular and restangular to communicate with API. I am now working on file download action from API

OutputStreamWriter.append not appending text to a text file Android Programming

File file; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream; final Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); mainIntent.addCategory(Intent.CAT

Where does the file get saved using "File file = new file(filename)" in Android

I am writing an android application. In the, I created a method to write and then read contents from a file. These code runs successfully I an

Write a function to take a text file and print the number of lines, words, and characters in the file

I am currently struggling with a question related to Python File I/O. The question I that I fail to be able to complete is this: Write a function stats() that

Can we use two buffered writers to write on the same file with java, in the same class?

I have been wondering if I cam use two bufferedWriters to write an external file with java. This is what I did: But there is only written X in my created file

How to import and play all audio files from a directory in React?

I am trying to play each audio file located inside a directory using React. I can play one file as follows but I do not want to import each file since there 70

how to search for a file with php

First thing is first. I am not a php developer this is something that is needed for my job so I took it on and I am learning as i go Right now we have an excel

How to compare two files in Notepad++

I want to compare values from two different files. In Notepad++ version 5.0.3 we had shortcut button Alt+d but in version 6.6.8 I cannot find any option to comp