Category "find"

bash oneliner search for files and dump name and content into new file

as title says I need to write a bash oneliner that finds all txt files and, for each, writes name and content into another file. So far I wrote: find . -name "*

Search entire document for String and Select all instances at once

I am new to VBA. I want to search a Word document for all occurrences of the string "the", and select all the occurrences at once. Currently, I have this code,

How to store line by line in a variable?

I want to search for hidden directories or files with "find" and store it in a variable. I tried like this and it works, but it is stored one after one in TEST.

BASH: Filter list of files by return value of another command

I have series of directories with (mostly) video files in them, say test1 1.mpg 2.avi 3.mpeg test2 123.avi 432.avi test3 asdf.m

find -exec - suppress errors only for find, but not for executed command

When running the find command, it may output "No such file or directory" errors. As answered to the find - suppress "No such file or directory" errors question

TypeORM: how to load relations with CreateQueryBuilder, without using JOINs?

I'm developing an API using NestJS & TypeORM to fetch data from a MySQL DB. Currently I'm trying to get all the instances of an entity (HearingTonalTestPage

Search an array list inside another array and return a new object combined

I am using typescript and I have two objects: export interface Module { moduleId: String name: String } export interface Model { id: number name

regex remove line breaks between double quotes without affecting other line break (eager match)

I have a map (key, value pairs) and few of these values have line breaks within them (inside double quotes) which is causing issues in CSS. How can I remove the

Using $(this).find with .click() jQuery

On the click of the plus icon I want the check icon to appear for only the one plus icon in that particular div. Not all plus icons throughout the page. Here is

finding and replacing elements in a multidimensional list (python)

Similar to this question: finding and replacing elements in a list (python) but with a multi-dimensional array. For example, I want to replace all the N's with

c# find outlook contact by email address

I was able to find outlook conctacts by firstname and lastname this way: Outlook.ContactItem contact = (Outlook.ContactItem)contactItems.Find(String.Format("[F

Notepad++ find in files filter EXCLUDE

I'm looking for a way to get n++'s find in files dialog to exclude certain files... the only reference I've found so far is this

find: missing argument to -exec

I was helped out today with a command, but it doesn't seem to be working. This is the command: find /home/me/download/ -type f -name "*.rm" -exec ffmpeg -i {}