I got this error firebaseapperror: failed to parse private key: error: invalid pem formatted message when I pushed my nodejs app to heroku. I had my environment
In Firestore, I have a collection of fruits containing documents with automatically generated ids, and a name property. I want to insert a new fruit document, w
For some reason, I can't subscribe users for more than one topic Here is my code: exports.subscribe = functions.https.onCall((request, response) => { conso
I have generated myself a service account with .json file for Firebase Admin PHP SDK authorization. Aside from that, I would want to use the same service accoun
I am trying to use the queuing module base on top of Firebase. I use the following code to push tasks import admin from "firebase-admin"; admin.initializeApp(
What is the recommended way to share Firestore api logic (between the admin node.js and the js web) when upgrading to the web v9 modular sdk? The way I did it b
Nothing I do here seems to work, I can't find an example anywhere that actually seems correct This: import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app'; Throws:
I'm using firebase admin SDK on cloud functions to create users using admin.auth().createUser({ email: someEmail, password: somePassword, }) now I want us
I am trying to setup firebase admin sdk in a Java project. Following the steps at https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup#add_the_sdk I successfully added
Failed to compile ./node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/channel.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'http2' in '/Users/Michael/Development/Proje
I have an https-callable firebase cloud function to return all users as an array of their userRecords. I push each of the userRecords into an array which I late
I am trying to retrieve data from my the my firestore database using angularfire2. This is what my current database looks like. I have a users collection that c
I'm trying to update a field timestamp with the Firestore admin timestamp in a collection with more than 500 docs. const batch = db.batch(); const serverTimest
I recently started getting the error below when trying to deploy to Firebase (after having done so successfully in the past). I'm not sure what might have chang
I'm running an app on Firebase Admin. So this code worked the first time I ran it, but after a few weeks I tried it again and I've been getting this error after