Category "firebase-authentication"

How to delete unverified e-mail addresses in Firebase Authentication/Flutter?

After registering with Firebase Authentication "Email / Password",saving e-mail without verification.I have application with Flutter firebase. When someone regi

How do I implement authentication and authorization for my employees in web app?

I am developing a web app for my employees to manage some critical admin pages. What type of identity and access management I can use? how do I implement Authen

Firebase Authentication iOS 12 invalid token

I have an App that makes use of Firebase Authentication using phone SMS verification and recaptcha (no APNS) The App works fine with the Authentication process

list of all auth/ errors for firebase web API

To handle all possible auth/ errors Firebase can return to a somehow invalid login I am in search for a full list of all auth/ errors. I could find such a list

signout from firebase using python

Iam using django webapp.I signed in with import pyrebase firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) authe = firebase.auth() user = authe.sign_in_with_email_

Firebase 'requires-recent-login'

I would like to know about firebase requires-recent-login. If I reauthenticate user like this firebase.auth().currentUser.reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCre

Firebase 3 - We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity

I was testing my login/sign up feature and for some reason I can't understand Firebase now is blocking all requests from my device. I've waited one day to try

Firebase phone authentication is not working on Android real device

I've been trying to achieve phone auth using Firebase authentication. It's working with an android emulator. I used a test number and a real number in the emula

The argument type 'Future<UserCredential>' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'dynamic Function()'

I am learning about TDD and practicing my test writing. I want to write a test for my login through Firebase. here is the test file: import 'package:firebase/fi

Gradle can not find firebase auth ktx library in android

As you can see below, I have encounter this error when I try to download missing files inside firebase auth.ktx library otherwise I can not reach any document

Firebase JWT token expires in 60 minutes

In Reactjs application I am working on authorization system. Everything is working fine but problem is the authorization lasts for 60 minutes only. After I need

Firebase SMS multifactor authentication, error.resolver is undefined

I'm following a seemingly outdated documentation page at When signing in

Flutter Firebase Auth: A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred

I am trying to integrate authentication on Flutter using firebase_auth. However, whenever I call the verifyPhoneNumber("+256XXXXXXXXXX") I get the error message

React - Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor Firebase cannot be invoked without 'new'

while using Firebase Auth in React I got this in the Console: Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor Firebase cannot be invoked without 'new' at

Undefined class 'AuthResult' in Flutter

I have been trying to implement Google login screen using Flutter. final AuthResult authResult = await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential); The editor, f