I am creating flutter application using FCM for sending push notifications. I am sending notifications with Cloud Functions from website by sending JSON to devi
I have a problem with inconsistent shared preferences value. I will try to describe it as simple as possible. I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifi
I started to encounter this error when I upgraded the version of the project to androidx. I also upgraded the firebase sdks. I started getting error "Cannot res
Everything was working fine before but now firebase can't seem to create a new token. I'm trying to call await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken(); but gettin
For some reason, I can't subscribe users for more than one topic Here is my code: exports.subscribe = functions.https.onCall((request, response) => { conso
Launching Spring Boot's jar file throws me these errors: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with n
I want to display a push notification when my app is in the background. I am using the flutter_local_notifications package and the firebase_messaging package. P
I am trying to implement incoming call notification. I use FirebaseMessaging.instance.getAPNSToken() to get APNS token using Firebase but keeps returning a null
I have implemented FCM in push i want to redirect to my screen on click of push notification when app is in background. It is redirecting to my webpage but mess
How we can get the data of push notification to save it in our local database using flutter iOS while in terminated state? We are using firebase admin-sdk to se
I am building a home automation project that has a fire sensor that will write to Firebase Database if there is a fire detected, then from that point I need to
i have an android app and i want to send a firebase data message to inform the users of a new app version available in the play store. I am sending a data messa
I want to use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to the users, but I am getting this error when I try to setup messageing: TypeError: undefined is
I am using new flutter version 2.2.3 and firebase_messaging 10.0.5 plugin.. I have implemented the FCM services. I have got the FCM in background but when FCM i
I am trying to redirect user to specific page in flutter web on click of notification, till now I am receiving notification, the last open page is displayed in
When user tap on push notification in termination state of app then it will open blank screen and app stuck on this screen and when app is in background then it
Other than my registered Gmail account I will be getting the below error in the chrome browser perhaps token getting generated if I log in with my email id in c
My desired outcome is to be able to display a notification when one is received regardless of whether the app is in foreground/background/kill. I am currently a
I am trying to send push notification to android 12 device using Firebase messaging service. When i try to send FCM from nodeJs, onMessageReceived is not called
I'm using flutterlocalnotifications package and FCM to send notifications to my users. Everything working perfectly. I can show notifications to my users when m