Category "firebase-hosting"

Installing Firebase tools: Stuck at downloading Chromium

I am trying to run in the terminal of the vs code since I plan to host this online already: npm install -g firebase-tools But it is stuck here: This is my pac

Use firebase preview channel in gitlab merge request

I am deploying each merge request to the firebase preview channel and I would like to add generated URL to either comment below the merge request or use the URL

Firebase keeps redirecting to

I am trying to extract the username from the current URL but firebase keeps directing it to due to which username changes dy

how do I solve:Error: Failed to list Firebase projects? [closed]

[debug] [2022-05-13T06:39:38.189Z] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [debug] [2022-05-13T06:39:38.191Z] C

Firebase hosting deployment error Error: Error: 404, Requested entity was not found

i have hosted a static website on firebase and i am using node.js. when i am trying to deploy my website i am facing this error. C:\Users\Ankur-PC\Desktop>f

Firebase hosting deploy to other site

how to deploy to other firebase hosting sites defined within the same project. I created multiple firebase hosting "sites". The command firebase deploy howev

Firebase Hosting pass variables in url

I'm building an app in Flutter mainly based on IOS and Android. We have a review system, and for new signups we want to collect referalls from past customers. W

How to create a variable <username> and insert it in website url like<username> hosted on firebase?

I am developing a website using flutter and want to create a link for the website something like for a social profile of the user where userna

Make proxy configuration works with firebase hosting

I have an angular app with some proxy configuration. proxy.conf.js { "/my-api": { "target": "", "secure": false, "cha

running scripts is disabled for firebase hosting in vscode terminal

firebase : File C:\Users\CHRISTIN UNION\AppData\Roaming\npm\firebase.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more informati

does anyone know how to get rid of "Firebase Hosting Setup Complete" screen when launching a firebase application?

recently ive launched my own firebase application, and I keep getting this error on my screen when I try to connect: "Firebase Hosting Setup Complete You're see

Hosting Angular 6 application to firebase

I am trying to hosting Angular 6 application in firebase. Aftter making a project in firebase , i followed the every step in firebase hosting documentation. h

Flutter web app is missing firebase.json and shows "Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete" when deployed to firebase hosting

Background I am using Android Studio to create a Flutter web app. The app runs successfully on localhost in Google Chrome. When I deploy it to Firebase hosting,

You are initializing in an existing Firebase project directory

How do I change the Firebase project in my cli? When I run firebase init, it says: Before we get started, keep in mind: * You are initializing in an exis

How does one set private environment variables on Firebase hosting?

With Divshot shutting down recently, I've switched a number of applications over to Firebase hosting. Some of these apps connect to external APIs, so I need a

Getting 404-Page Not Found error, when i reload my react application which is on firebase

I have deployed my react application on firebase, when i reload the page it is showing the below page. Firebase.json { "hosting": { "public": "build",

Can I add a domain to Firebase hosting via the API?

I want to be able to add domains to Firebase hosting with the API instead of the web UI, is that possible? I want to add potentially hundreds of domains, is th

React-router did not work on production

there, I am using react-router for this app. It works fine on my local server. Here is the code: var routes = ( <Router history={browserHistory}> <