Category "firebase-realtime-database"

Firebase RealTime database rules to restrict on user id runs in simulator but not in AngularFire

If you look at the screenshot you can see that the simulated test passes: It restricts adding user data to the users node if the uid does not match. You can

Get realtime data change update when data changes on Firebase Realtime Database

I have written this code to fetch the data. But I want to fetch updates without restarting the activity as data changes in real-time in the database. I want to

How to implement the intercom/push-to-talk/walkie-talkie feature based on Firebase on Android and iOS?

I’m using Firebase as the cloud database and handling authentication for my Android and iOS APPs, it works quite well. Recently I want to add the intercom

Firebase Realtime Database from Android setValue not working

I am trying to use the realtime database for the first time. The set value function is not working for me. I already updated the writing rules in the following

Schedule notification in flutter using firebase

How can I schedule the flutter notification with Firebase to run in the background even if the mobile phone is turned off.

How can I access specific data in Firebase?

I want to delete the messages of every user before 30 days. When the user enters the application, their own messages are deleted. But I can't access every user'

How to do a bulk update in Firestore

I'm using Cloud Firestore and have a collection of documents. For each document in the collection I would like to update one of the fields. Using a transactio

In Flutter Google Maps how do I add and remove markers based on a realtime database listener?

I've read numerous docs, posts, etc. and cannot seem to get things to work. I have a realtime database listener that provides lat/long coordinates, inside a Fi

Moving or copying data from one node to another in firebase database

I am trying to move my data present at one node i.e cart_details/UID to another node orders/UID/order1. I tried different ways of doing it but all seem to be a

Firebase - get childrens of children

I am looking for a good solution to take data from a child of children. As You can see in my "users" database i have nodes with users uid's, and in this nodes i

Get the auto-generated id - Firebase

I'm trying to retrieve the id of the element that I inserted in the database with .key. However, it returns the user value instead of the auto-generated id. Ho

Should you remove SQLite database in Flutter to add Datastore

I have a to do list app developed using flutter and SQLite and I'm wondering if it is a better practice to remove the SQLite database when I want to use Datasto

Firebase RTDB trigger not fired from Flutter Firebase SDK triggering event

I am developing an application in Flutter and during development, I encountered this anomaly. On Firebase Realtime Database I have a simple trigger for testing

It is possible to have a contains search query in firebase? [duplicate]

I tried this: Query firebaseSearchQuery = myRef.orderByChild("from").startAt(searchText).endAt(searchText+"\uf8ff"); but i want something

How to disable Signup in Firebase 3.x

I have created some users using firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword and would like to stop signUp now, but keep signIn working. I tried some rules on u

send sms automatically using firebase database given phone number and date

Firebase database screenshot I'm a beginner at android and firebase and am developing a driving school app. I am to successfully add customer details to a fi

Java EE FirebaseApp name [DEFAULT] already exists

I got a problem related to Firebase and Java EE. I'm currently writing some Java servlets for my project and I'm using Firebase the first time because I wanted

Flutter Firebase Realtime Database write/update to multiple nodes at once

I'm using Firebase as the backend to my Flutter project. I need to write to multiple nodes in one transaction. Now I have: await (_firebaseDatabase .ref

Firebase TIMESTAMP to date and Time

I am using firebase for my chat application. In chat object I am adding time stamp using Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP method. I need to show the message rece

get id of node in firebase by item in recyclerView

i want to access on this point by clicking on element inside cardView i only can reach to the point before it by using this line reference = FirebaseDatabase.