Category "firebase"

Firestore Query Default Order

The following is stated in the official documentation: By default, a query retrieves all documents that satisfy the query in ascending order by document ID. Yo

After reinstalling the app, firebase auth skips login

In my app, I'm using phone auth and we are observing this on Android, after logged in, if I uninstall the app and reinstall it again, it's not asking me to logi

Firebase error: No firebase app default has been created

I am making a food delivery app using react-native and redux. I want to fetch the data from the firebase store and for that, I have written a function in the ac

Unity Firebase on IOS lFirebaseCore is not found error

i am importing my unity project to xcode to compile. I imported Firebase SDK in unity and exported for ios. But on build i am getting the following error. ld: l

Access Firebase access token through Firebase Admin PHP SDK

I have generated myself a service account with .json file for Firebase Admin PHP SDK authorization. Aside from that, I would want to use the same service accoun

Fetch some (and not all) properties from a list in Firebase Realtime Database

Suppose there is a list in my Realtime Database such that it has a user list at location userList as: user1: { age: 20, name: john } user2 : { age: 40, name: s

ECONNREFUSED Error when trying to run Firebase pubsub scheduled cloud function on shell

I am trying to run a pubsub.schedule function on Firebase emulator. I tried to follow the instructions in the following links.

Firebase Authentication partially working (only email)

After months of developing a Web App under Firebase suddenly these days we have a problem with the Authentication, it returns this console.alert only with Faceb

Error in reading the Firebase: from firebase value to child

I have created an event handler for the onClick button. When I click on the button, I want to transfer a pre-recorded number in the database to the price sectio

Pushing a task with firebase-queue not working

I am trying to use the queuing module base on top of Firebase. I use the following code to push tasks import admin from "firebase-admin"; admin.initializeApp(

Firebase Authentication link not working - missing trailing slash?

I want to use Firebase email link authentication in my iOS (Flutter) app with a custom domain: The app requests Firebase Auth backend to send an email to the u

Disable / Undo Firebase Cloud Functions default request parsing

I want to deploy a remix application to Firebase Cloud Functions, using Hosting for the static assets. The function is defined as: const functions = require("fi

Vuex/quasar - mutate state from firebase 9 on boot

I'm using quasar with firebase 9. I'm trying to set the state with actions during the boot of the project. I have data in firebase that I want to load only once

How to resolve this error while installing pyrebase?

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'c:\python38\python.exe' -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'C:\\Users\\rkapr\\A

Firebase Android App - not updating realtime database

I experience some errors while trying to push data into my firebase realtime database. I checked a couple of tutorials and according to all of them i am doing n

firebase is not being recognized in Unity webGL Build

I have set up a test project in order to test Firebase with unity webGL builds. I have created a *.jslib plugin to keep my js functions in there : mergeInto(Lib

Firebase Realtime Database Allow read/write if string matches an attribute

My firebase realtime database structure: stores -store1234 -data -specialKeyForStore1234 -store4567 -data -specialKeyForStore4567

Error in usage of firebase in my react native expo project

Hey this is Shubham and i am 12 years old and i am an ardent learner of mobile app development with the cross platform language react native and i want to learn

How to get the measurementId from the Firebase config?

To play with Google Analytics for Web based projects on Firebase we need to use either the Firebase reserved URLs or to copy/update the Firebase config object a

Firebase Import Error : initializeApp was not found in firebase/app

I am building my first firebase app using JS and Webpack. I'm following the modular approach. I have followed the documentation and forums for this, However I c