Category "firebase"

How to solve Firebase: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp() (app/no-app)

I am trying to create a chatroom application using react and firebase. Initially, I got an error while importing auth and firestore at once i.e import { auth, f

Firebase Delete User Authentication on Android

Is there a way to delete a user from firebase authentication, when the current user is not the one who is being deleted. I know that there is a way to delete a

Can firebase be used as a database in China now

I am now developing a social application. But recently I noticed that Firebase is blocked in China. So I want to make sure whether firebase can be used in China

Picture quality still reducing too much even after configuring resize images extension on firebase

I have an image upload function on my application that is using firebase as a backend. I've enabled the Resize Images extension, but the quality was too low on

Picture quality still reducing too much even after configuring resize images extension on firebase

I have an image upload function on my application that is using firebase as a backend. I've enabled the Resize Images extension, but the quality was too low on

failed: permission_denied when setValue: or removeValue: in Firebase Database | Swift 4

I have seen lots of answers in stackoverflow but none is working for me! This is my code: import UIKit import Firebase class ViewController: UIViewController

How to delete unverified e-mail addresses in Firebase Authentication/Flutter?

After registering with Firebase Authentication "Email / Password",saving e-mail without verification.I have application with Flutter firebase. When someone regi

Flutter web app is missing firebase.json and shows "Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete" when deployed to firebase hosting

Background I am using Android Studio to create a Flutter web app. The app runs successfully on localhost in Google Chrome. When I deploy it to Firebase hosting,

Firestore to query by an array's field value

I'm trying to run a simple query, where I search for a document that contains a value inside an object array. For instance, look at my database structure: I wa

Flutter - remove a firebase document onTap()

I have a ListView, filled with Firebase collection as chat messages. When the user long press a ListTile (an item on the list), I show a BottomSheet. When the

Firebase token from the device showing as invalid instance when calling it from the backend server

I'm getting the token from the firebase using the client end and passing it to the server/backend for storage, but when I call subscribe to topic using that fir

Extract data from JSON column

i want to extract a value from a json column. The schema is (- first level, -- second level): Column Name | Type | Mode event_params RECORD NULLABLE -key STRI

Android app not writing to firebase database

I know this question has been asked before, but I've tried just about every posted solution and have been unsuccessful. I set up my Firebase realtime database w

Google sign in(OAuth) does not work when the apk is from Firebase App Distribution

I have built a simple Google Sign in for my application. However, when I deploy the apk using Firebase App Distribution, the process returns error code 10 when

Unexpected getting cloud_firestore/permission-denied in production sometimes

My Firestore rule: match /app/info { allow read; } My code: FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection('app') .doc('info') .snapshots()

Error: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp()

I have a firebase database linked up to two apps, one being an iOS app and another being a web app coded in node.js which is a basic algorithm that sets data to

Firebase Security Rules Storage from specific web url

I want to set the security rules of the storage to be that only data that send from my web (specific web url) can be stored. Otherwise no one can write and read

Firebase deploy could not locate firebase.json

so, im a newbie in programming and still learning some stuff (i use windows btw) i try to make an app, connect it to firebase. after setting up everything its

Project not connecting to real time database - flutter

I am having a problem with real time database not working, I copied a project from GitHub and made a new project in firebase with my app ID, added the JSON file

Firebase In-app messaging opens the URL with link only once in swift

I have a strange problem with firebase in-app message for iOS in swift. the message is getting displayed during the launch as expected,i was sending a URL with