Category "firefox"

How to turn off 'Enhanced Tracking Protection' for Firefox browser via Selenium WebDriver?

My Selenium Java test script runs on Firefox browser. Recently, it has started failing on applications where 'Enhanced Tracking Protection' is turned on. https:

Hide pdf toolbar in firefox while displaying pdf using iframe

I am displaying a pdf file in browser using iframe. It is working fine but i want to disable/hide acrobat toolbar(below image). I tried the solution #toolbar

jsPDF - compatibility issues in Firefox

jsPDF doesn't work well with the latest version of Firefox. It does not let me to download the PDF. Is there a fix on this? I tried downloading the latest versi

Selenium4 and Snap install of Firefox with Geckodriver_v31 times out

I recently upgraded lubuntu 22.04 and it wanted a few things to be installed from the snap repository. Firefox was one of them. Currently I'm using Selenium 4.

Can't apply texture graphic to box in A-Frame basic scene

I am going through the Basic Scene demo for A-Frame. When I get to the Applying Image Texture

Take full localhost webpage screenshot (Firefox, Windows)?

I need to take a full screenshot of a localhost page I'm working on. Print Screen button offers me no solution to this nor the Alt-Print Screen does, as they ta

Authorization Required - Error 401 only in firefox

I made a website and put it on a local Linux server. I can access it without problem on Chrome and IE but firefox outputs this : Authorization Required

ES2015 import doesn't work (even at top-level) in Firefox

These are my sample files: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script src="t1.js"></script> </h

focus() function doesn't work in Firefox

I have some JS that shows a search modal and gives the search focus. It looks like this: function searchOpen(event) { event.preventDefault(); searchOverlay

Javascript .toLocaleString() returns wrong month?

I’m at a loss here. I need to display a JavaScript date in my locale, but the displayed locale string is off by 1 month in the future. <!DOCTYPE html&

IF Statements and Conditions for iMacros Firefox

So I'm trying to make a macro to catch Pokemon from maps in this game but there if you encounter a Turf War it will show this image: As you can see the click

:before && :after pseudo elements not showing Firefox

Firefox is not displaying :after and :before but they do show in Chrome. Firefox & Chrome: Viewing the source directly in Firefox shows the CSS is there:

How to set fit width when embedding pdf in Chrome?

When I embed a pdf to view on Chrome/ Firefox , no matter I set width / set the parameter , it does not change the width of the pdf content, the only thing I ca

How to install custom extension to headless Firefox in Linux?

Automated tests with Selenium are awesome, but how to do them on headless Firefox with a pre-installed extension? I found this for Chrome, but nothing for Fir

Only on Firefox "Loading failed for the <script> with source"

I want to integrate Marketo form with my existing website on yii framework. My code works on all the browsers except Firefox. Excerpt from my code: $('#bu

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Firefox'

I am trying to use selenium webdriver to spawn an instance of Firefox. In the past, I was able to do this after installing geckodriver and making sure that it w

How to disable scroll on HTML5 date inputs having a webshim fallback in

I'm trying without success to disable scroll on an HTML5 date input. This input has a webshim fallback, which cause my JS to works with Chrome, but not Firefox.

Wrong value for window.innerWidth during onload event in Firefox for Android?

Okay, so, the problem I am facing is this: my mobile Firefox browser is not retrieving the correct values for window.innerWidth, document.documentElement.client

How to increase local storage space to unlimited for a firefox add-ons?

I am creating a Firefox add-on to store data in the local-storage. But it is limited to 5MB. I want it to be unlimited. Is there any way to make the local-stora

Loadrunner 12 - TruClient IE & FireFox Issues

Having the below issues using the TruClient Protocols. Any help would be much appreciated. Set Up: I have Loadrunner 12 installed in Win7 with IE 11 & lat