Category "flake8"

Descriptive flake8 errors in PyCharm

PyCharm does not have a built-in support for flake8 at the moment. But, flake8 can be configured to run as an external tool. Sometimes, especially for Python n

Pycharm message "Process error=5, Access is denied" from run flake8

I'm trying to use flake8 in PyCharm for Python 3. I got this error code when I try to run flake8: "Error running Flake8: Cannot run program "D:\Python36\Lib\si

How to run a Github Action's step based on output condition?

I would like to comment on a PR if there are more than 100 flake8 errors but it's not going to disable the merge button. My approach is something like this: nam

What is the recommended way to break long if statement? (W504 line break after binary operator)

What is currently the recommended way to break a long line of if statement with "and" and "or" operators? 1st option With the style below (which is from PEP8) w

flake8 not picking up config file

I have my flake8 config file in ~/.config/flake8 [flake8] max-line-length = 100 However when I run flake8 the config file is not picked up. I know that becau