Category "flash"

Syntax error: expecting rightparen before not

I'm required to use ActionScript 3.0 in Adobe Animate for my latest project. It is really difficult for me to understand because I'm still. If any of you guys c

get var from inside a function to return it AS3

I have this static public function berechne() and I want this function to return data. But data is inside another function, so I can't access it outside the fun

Rails flash :error, :notice are lost on redirect but alert is not

The docs for redirect_to state clearly that redirect_to can take :alert => "x" and :notice=>"x" options for flash after the path, but anything else needs

Does flash support Opus codec?

I have googled this but not getting a clear answer. As far as i understand FLV container format currently support the following audio formats MP3, ADPCM, Linear

How to run .swf Files on Android Device

I am new to android and just started working on flash objects, by which i mean .swf files. I have read a lot about using a web view to load the swf file stored

Convert HTML5 to Flash

I am using impress.js extensively to create a lot of HTML5 presentations. These presentations need to be displayed on touch-screen kiosks. Unfortunately, the

Convert HTML5 to Flash

I am using impress.js extensively to create a lot of HTML5 presentations. These presentations need to be displayed on touch-screen kiosks. Unfortunately, the

How does one target specific object of a gui for an event flow?

I'm working on a javascript framework for creating simple animations on an html canvas with nested sprites using a basic composite pattern. I've been modeling

loop through object properties in flash

I have an object that gets properties added in this sequence. Home School living status sound Memory When I loop through the object they don't come out in t

Adobe connect video: FLV to MP4 (export, convert)

I would like to convert an adobe connect video from .flv in the downloaded zip to .mp4. I have already done the steps explained in this question and answer, how

Suitable tool for simple interactive web application

I want to create not complex interactive web application. It has some pinboard and user can create many simple objects on this pinboard (e.g. many small circles

Using ICC Profiles in as3/flex

I am creating a flash site where someone can customize a canvas. Then they can preview this canvas on the product. Because of the way monitors display colors, w

Flash Hit Test Object as3

Ok I need help to figure out how to make it when the stuntman collides with the hoop it adds one point but instead it detects the collision multiple times and a

converting vob files to swf and flv

I have a .vob file and I am trying to change it to .swf and .flv for my website. I found lots of open source software that can convert to flash. The only thing