Category "fluentvalidation"

FromBody with a "empty" values return null Model (Guid and Enum)

I'm having a problem to validate certain types of values in my model (using fluent validation and FromBody). I have this model: public class PostAcess { pub

Is there a way in Fluent Validation library to remove the index from the collection validation errors?

I'm using Fluent Validation to validate this model: class MyModel { public int Id {get; set;} public List<ChildModel> Children {get; set;} } clas

ASP.NET Core Web API - 'IRuleBuilderInitial<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, decimal>' does not contain a definition for 'CustomCurrency'

Validation is done in ASP.NET Core-6 Web API using Fluent Validation. So, I have this code: Custom Validator: public static IRuleBuilder<T, string> Custom

How to apply Client Side validation using Fluent Validation for .Net core

.Net Core 3.0 MVC view. Needs to apply - Client Side validation for below model. Tried as follow: Model:Person public class Person { public int Id {

How to reuse data in FluentValidation

For example I have validator with two validation rules: // Rule 1 RuleFor(o => o.Email).Must((email) => this.GetDataDataFromDB(email) != 0) .WithMess

FluentValidation: How to show client-side validation

I am using FluentValidation public class AddressModel{ public string Street{get; set;} public string City{get; set;} public string State{get; set;} pu

FluentValidation inside a MediatR pipeline and Razor Pages

I'm working on a project where everything is done through a mediatR pipeline. To make things easy the pipeline is this : -> Validation -> Handler The Vali

How to avoid InvalidModelStateResponseFactory to interfere with an error response already generated in FluentValidation

I am working on a .NET Core 3.0 MVC project using FluentValidation, for validating input from the front end made in React. I can't rely on that the input is val

Fluent validation divide bussines validation from auth validaton

I'm using ASP, CQRS + MediatR and fluent validation. I want to implement user role validation, but I don't want to mix it with business logic validation. Do you

Validate multiple properties with one message

I'm trying to validate a class that has three required properties. If one or more of them is null it should trigger a single validation message. Is there a idio