Category "flutter-dependencies"

Undefined class 'CurrentUser'

CurrentUser is undefine I am trying to figure out what has it changed to.If you know plz help It's says Could not find the correct Provider above this Screen Wi

Flutter Get package error no named parameter with the name 'useInheritedMediaQuery'

I got error after I added get package and implemented it to my controller. If I add final myController = Get.put(MyController()); I got this error, yes just one

Flutter :- This AdWidget is already in the Widget tree. How to disable this exception. And what does it mean?

So I insert admob ads inside the List. And I added the functionality of infinity scroll inside the list view. So when the user scrolls to end of the list, new i

Update Gradle in Flutter project

I have this project in Flutter, but I haven't been able to build an apk for a couple of weeks, because of the Gradle version. I've tried everything, but Flutter

How To Copy text from a flutter button class while adding additional texts to clipboard?

ive created a custom button that I use in multiple places in my flutter app. and I've also used the toast package to copy and show text anytime the button is cl

How to send data through patch request in flutter

I am facing issue in sending the below data as a patch request. The issue I am facing is I am not able to pass the Detail object data within another object(AddP

Notification channel 'basic_channel' does not exist., n.a.a.k.f.a:

As per flutter package I implemented code on my project but it threw exception while making build, "Notification channel 'call_channel' does not exist., n.a.a.k

Flutter desktop opens a new window

When clicking a button I want to open a separate new flutter window on my desktop flutter application. How can I do that? It must work separately. My OS: Window

Removing button and load data

Hey guys I need help with removing this button and load data from json file without need to click on that button Here's code List _items = []; // Fetch content

The flutter app doesn't run with java.lang.AssertionError

An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.8.0_242-release). Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page (http://bugreport.jav

using http package in flutter for networking APIs is a good practice OR its better to use Retrofit, chopper or dio?

Actually I want to know which package is more beneficial from the user perspective, if there are other advantage pls let know in the comments. THANK YOU

Flutter - Overridden dependencies

After running "flutter pub get", I got this error: Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies: ! path 1.6.4

Flutter plugins not installed

I have installed both flutter and Dart plugins on Android Studio but when I run flutter doctor, it shows that plugins are not installed Doctor summary (to see a

Json file links working in local, but not in production

I've a JSON file in assets and my radio app works fine in local, streaming from the links given, however in prod, the names of the list show but whenever I clic

What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':flutter_facebook_auth:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. flutter

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':flutter_facebook_auth:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. Multiple build operatio

Generic navigation listener for whole application

I'm trying to find a way to setup a global Navigation listener in the Root of my app (MaterialApp) which can allow me to track all navigation events including t

My Flutter App is Not Working on Android 11 But Working fine in emulator as well as android 8 || (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1)

Here is My Code import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:screenshot/screenshot.dart'; import 'package:sweld/globals.dart'; import 'package:geoloc

Show svg or image from network depending on type flutter

Hi I'm using a service that send me images, sometimes png or jpeg images and I use the flutter widget Image. In the other hand sometimes send me svg images intu

Flutter assets_audio_player

i have a problem with this package (, only and only on iOS after having lowered the volume of a song it does not ra

The element type 'VxAnimatedBox' can't be assigned to the list type 'Widget'

Here I'm trying to use VxAnimatedbox under scaffold but it's showing error class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { @override Widget build(Build