Category "flutter-layout"

Hover Color for Icon

I am trying to implement a favorite Button in Flutter. I am happy with the properties when clicking the button but I am not happy with the hover animation. I wa

Undefined class 'CurrentUser'

CurrentUser is undefine I am trying to figure out what has it changed to.If you know plz help It's says Could not find the correct Provider above this Screen Wi

How to remove Grey box from Picker Flutter widget

I am using flutter_picker: ^2.0.0 plugin. And could not find option to remove grey box from Picker. Here is my code :- Picker( itemExtent: 50, magni

How To Copy text from a flutter button class while adding additional texts to clipboard?

ive created a custom button that I use in multiple places in my flutter app. and I've also used the toast package to copy and show text anytime the button is cl

How do you center two texts in containers inside a row widget?

How do you center two texts in containers inside a row widget?

Container margin not transparent

In my flutter project i have an AnimatedContainer which is my BottomAppBar. If i give it a margin to space it from the screen egdes the margin is not transparen

Flutter web ignore resize

I would like to make my web app does not resize/responsive when the screen become smaller. For example when i decrease my browser size, instead of its adapting

How to implement Uniformly Accelerated Motion Formula into Flutter Animation

I tried to create a Flutter Web App that can simulate Uniformly Accelerated Motion. So, I create a circle as the simulation object and some buttons. When the us

Flutter desktop opens a new window

When clicking a button I want to open a separate new flutter window on my desktop flutter application. How can I do that? It must work separately. My OS: Window

The flutter app doesn't run with java.lang.AssertionError

An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.8.0_242-release). Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page (http://bugreport.jav

My youtube Video Player is not working with listview.builder

when i tried youtube credential for youtube video player with list view it is not working. showing The following error: NoSuchMethodError was thrown building H

Flutter Text only break lines at whitespaces

My issue is that flutter breaks Text at non whitespace characters: How can I tell flutter not to beak text at the "/" but only when it encounters a whitespace?

Checkbox Position in flutter

How can i change the position of checkbox on top left side of my title, in checkboxlisttile

Show svg or image from network depending on type flutter

Hi I'm using a service that send me images, sometimes png or jpeg images and I use the flutter widget Image. In the other hand sometimes send me svg images intu

Drawer Menu Shows Gaps

I am new to flutter. I got a Drawer Menu but there is a little gap between user information side and menu items section. drawer menu user information side impo

How do I add shadow to a TextField when having a maxLength or minLength property?

I have a normal TextField that I want some shadow on it but I haven't found the solution to this problem. My TextField has the maxLength property so I have a sm

Scrollable SelectableText when selecting text from bottom autoscrolls to top of widget

As shown above when selecting text from a scrollable SelectableText Widget it auto scrolls to top initially. Expected behavior is scroll remains in the bottom

refresh data on home page using future builder on button click - flutter

i have an app with two screens, home and update page. The home page displays a list of items and the update page updates the items. I am having difficulties re

How to position widget inside Stack relative to center?

Stack( children: [ Positioned( left: ??? + 20, child: Text('This text is 20 pixel left to the center of the stack'), ), ], ),

How to get gradient bottom navigation tab in flutter?

There is a package on pub but this is not updated for a very long time. So, is there a way to create ow