Category "flutter"

epub_viewer Package Release Build Crash

I am developing an app with epub_viewer package and i set the app in release mode. Android app crashing on start if i use epub_viewer package. I'm sure i did ev

Error "$flutterSdkpath\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\app_plugin_loader.gradle" while running the app

I am facing an issue while running the app. My flutter details are: Flutter Version: 1.12.13+hotfilx.9 Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor

Flutter doctor --> Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.1.0-rc1)

I have a question so I think I dowlnloaded everything correctly but I still get this massage when I type in "flutter dictir" in cmd. When I run "path/to/sdkmana

How to save List<Object> to SharedPreferences in Flutter?

I have a list of favorite music, which I retrieve from music when the app is opened for the first time, the app gets a favorite music list from favorite. I want

Firebase Authentication link not working - missing trailing slash?

I want to use Firebase email link authentication in my iOS (Flutter) app with a custom domain: The app requests Firebase Auth backend to send an email to the u

How to avoid keyboard popping out while navigating to next screen?

When I navigate from LoginScreen() to HomeScreen() the keyboard pops up for no apparent reason for a split second and then immediately closes while the navigati

How to Share Image from API(URL) in flutter?

Here I want to share image which I get through API. I tried different method for this functionality but I did not get any solution because every solutions have

Flutter: How To display Currency In Indian Numbering Format?

have a question about formatting the Rupee currency (Indian Rupee - INR). For example, numbers here are represented as: 1 10 100 1,000

How to Listen For BLE signals in background using Flutter and Dart?

I'm trying to figure out how to add a listener in flutter that would listen for BLE signals even in the phone background, while the app is off. Is it possible t

Update new image when take new photos in flutter with photo_manager

I have a project in school where I create an app gallery with flutter. I use the photo_manager package and it works. But right now I want when I take a new pict

How can I tell if DateTime.Now() is on a day AFTER a different DateTime

I'm running this on flutter, but I guess this could be a more general issue. I am saving a DateTime in the preferences. I want to be able to then tell if DateT

borderRadius is not true in PinCodeTextField

I create an pin code text field like below, but when i try using shape:, my console throw me 'package:flutter/src/painting/box_decor

Modify the languague when clicking the button using localizations

I'm using localizations. And I want to change the language of the app when I click the button Code for the button onPressed: () { Navigator.pushNa

Build option for windows is not showing in android studio

I am in the latest stable release for flutter desktop and have installed Visual Studio 2022 but still the option for "Windows" is not showing. Do i still need t

How to get data from a repository from within a cubit?

i'm using flutter bloc. i want to emit the data from a repo to a state. how do i get the data from the repo to show in the cubit? This is my cubit: void getPro

Round Image File

I did this code to get an image from firestore and use it as an icon for a Map Marker. final StorageReference storageReference = FirebaseStorage().ref().child(

Android Device Verification not working in Flutter

I am trying to do get OTP without Verifying you are not a robot screen using firebase in a flutter. I added the SHA-256 key in firebase and enabled the Android

How to format TimeOfDay to String in flutter

I want to display the current time. Used TimeOfDay.Now() to get the current time, TimeOfDay _currentTime =; Text("Current Time: ${_currentTime

How to convert CameraController's XFile to Image type in Flutter?

Flutter's CameraController has a takePicture() method for taking picture from the camera which gives type of Future<XFile>, so I need to convert it to Ima

Flutter just_audio - why is setting audio source as LockCachingAudioSource failing?

I am greatly interested in using the LockCachingAudioSource feature in Flutter's just_audio package, but I am noticing a strange behavior I can't quite get to t