Category "flutter"

No implementation found for method getApplicationSupportDirectory on channel using java (not using kotlin)

I am using new flutter version 2.2.3 and firebase_messaging 10.0.5 plugin.. I have implemented the FCM services. I have got the FCM in background but when FCM i

Flutter - Infinite Scroll & Images causes App Crash

We are building a product listing page in flutter and trying to load products as the user scrolls and reaches the end of the page. It's basically a grid view bu

how to work with firebase with nullsafety on m1?

EDIT : solved at this time, just using the latest version i have test with latest version of firebase. and i got this CocoaPods could not find compatible vers

flutter ios : Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels,

I want to upload my flutter app to ios. Everything is working fine, but I am facing the issue at the uploading time Missing required icon file. The bundle does

Switching Camera Aspect Ratio in Flutter

How do we switch the camera preview aspect ratio in Flutter? I would like to switch be able to switch from 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9 aspect ratio I am using this Camer

Flutter reusable text field and and it's style

I have started learning Flutter recently and wanted to know how to write code that displays multiple text field of same sized box, text style, decoration. I hav

I want to make a slider custom bottom value with incremet in flutter

i want this type slider in flutter any one please help me i want to make this type slider with the same value get by the slider value i am facing the problem to

how to display binance crypto specific pair price value in flutter UI?

I was working to make a crypto app but I have some issues displaying crypto pairs in UI. I've tried different ways but it's not working. Please can you suggest

Flutter set state not updating variable value in bottomsheet function

I have a button where on click I call the following function which creates a bottomsheet below.What happens is that it builds a list of cards based on a list ar

Go to specific section when button clicked in flutter

I am trying to navigate the section on the same page when the button is clicked but I can not do it using PageView and Scroll, Does anyone know how to do it? T

Flutter set state not updating variable value in bottomsheet function

I have a button where on click I call the following function which creates a bottomsheet below.What happens is that it builds a list of cards based on a list ar

How to add debug symbols to build.gradle

I have created android build of my Flutter application. Then I created an internal testing release. It is showing a warning This App Bundle contains native cod

Go to specific section when button clicked in flutter

I am trying to navigate the section on the same page when the button is clicked but I can not do it using PageView and Scroll, Does anyone know how to do it? T

TextInputType.number only accepts numbers from an english keyboard

i am making a multilingual shopping app and i have arabic and anthor language ++ english as the languages the user can pick, when someone wants to order they ha

How does firestore read write and delete calculated? [closed]

I am trying to analyze and optimize the number of Reads and Writes in my cloud Firestore Database. How Does Firestore calculate Reads and Writ

Navigation in flutter without context

I created a service folder and made a file in it called request. dart, here I intend to place all requests I make into a class called AuthService, with the logi

TextField is gaining focus after navigating to another screen

In my project I've wrapped the whole MaterialApp in a GestureDetector which is supposed to dismiss keyboard when user tapped the screen, using this piece of cod

Flutter Feature Discovery Not SHowing Overlay

I had built an application and I'm trying to show feature discovery but, It is not showing discovery. Also not showing any error. Question I Referred To Solve I

VS Code - Line in the middle of the screen

I'm a big fan of VS Code and i'm just learning to code. But when using dart language, there is a line in the middle of my screen the-line!!!. I don't have this

Flutter hero animation between widgets not screens

Hero animation is the best for navigating between screen, but I need same animation between widgets. Like one card moving another place for example: Product Car