I have a problem converting an .act file to csv format. I am using this code: import struct import csv DATA = [] with open("modis_lst.act", "rb") as actFile:
How can I set thousand separators in Google Data studio. Instead of 203,206,502 I want to show 20,32,06,502. Kindly help
I have a kendo-datepicker and it's always displaying the format in the field like following. But I want to customize this as Month/Day/Year. Capitalize the fir
I'm developing android marine navigation client. The client should receive nautical chart images from c++ server. I'm sending data via socket. (from c++: Client
I had been working on a QoL macro to convert selected text dates into a desired format. For that purpose I was trying to utilize the DateParse function that is
I've setup oidc-provider for pkce (v7x). When I do the following: request a code from /auth with response_type='code' Used the code to get token form /token wit
The date format on each Work Item is showing in US format (M/d/yyyy) and I need it to display in AU format (dd/mm/yyyy). I have set the region for the Organisat
Can the python black formatter nest long lists and sets? For example: Input coworkers = {"amy", "bill", "raj", "satoshi", "jim", "lifeng", "jeff", "sandeep", "m
I want to change byte value to char value in capl. Using MD5 the input value is char and the result value is byte I want to put the result value into the input
Is there a way to reduce the size of the text in slack messages just the way we have ways to make the text bold/italics?
I'm writing a teaching document that uses lots of examples of Python code and includes the resulting numeric output. I'm working from inside IPython and a lot
Let's say we have the following module testmodule.py with a TestClass definition: """This is a test module""" class TestClass: """ This is a simple des
Is there a way to make Visual Studio Code automatically format the content of XML tags? I want to have an indent when pressing Enter or even when closing a tag:
I am currently formatting numbers to display as currency values using the following code: return symbol + value.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,"
I was trying to copy from GitHub the following file: https://github.com/vineodd/PIMSim/blob/master/GEM5Simulation/gem5/configs/common/MemConfig.py I have tried
Lets say I have r = pd.DataFrame({'A':1 , 'B':pd.Series(1,index=list(range(4)),dtype='float32')}) And r['B'].describe()[['mean','std','min','m
Let’s say I am working with a nicely formatted table. Take kubectl output for example: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NO
Is there an easy way to format the output from the docker events into something thats more easily parseable ? I need to extract the event and the container name
I'm currently having an issue with the date format. I have basically extracted the month and year from a standard dd/mm/yyyy date and wish this to be formatted
I use the following code to bucket my continuous variable in SAS, but it does not work: proc freq data = right; table Age; run; proc format; value AgeBucke