Category "forms"

Handle File Upload type based on button click in Controller - MVC 5

Is there any way to handle uploading file type based on button clicked in MVC 5 Controller. Currently what is happening is all buttons redirect to same page. Al

Nested FormGroupDirective in child components

There is a problem with FormGroupDirective dependency injection. I have an example of relation component to each other: <app-component-group> <child-

CSS display change AND redirect in a text input field

I am working on a form which should redirect the user to a different page based on what they input in the text field but I also want to display hidden div style

Select in form - Problem mapping through options, cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

I am creating a SELECT inside a form in which I need to map through an object (I know mapping through an object instead of an array might be a problem). I am us

React MUI - form returns an variable that does not exist

Full code I have a part of the form that should be filled with data and be editable at the same time (it is the Update of the CRUD). The object is initialized w

how to reveal/unrveal password inside input in Data Driven Forms (it npm react package)?

I have a custom form imported from node_module as import FormRenderer from "@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/form-renderer"; this form requires schema in

How to make Dropdown with input field in django form

I am a noob to django and python 😥 I have a django form, it needs a dropdown menu with input field to enter the text which is not listed in dropdown. Is

Calculate with minus/plus buttons

(Edit : up) First I'm a JS beginner. I need to make a calcul using both input type number and plus/minus buttons linked to it (to replace spinners on smartphone

Angular dynamic forms project migration - 'input' has no initializer and not constructor, another error of Type T | undefined

Angular dynamic forms project migration - error of Type T | undefined I've been looking for an example project for building angular forms based on JSON datasets

C# - DataGridView ComboBoxCol Displaying Ghost Text of other Cells - Windows Form Application

As you can see in the image below the combobox col of the datagridview is displaying ghost images of text from higher rows. If you move the cursor over the text

Drupal9: Saving form as node in SQL (custom module example)

i develop a custom module with forms to save data in SQL-Datebase. I want to use for that the node-structure. Normal SQL-savings for example table works but not

Warn user before leaving web page with unsaved changes

I have some pages with forms in my application. How can I secure the form in such a way that if someone navigates away or closes the browser tab, they should

How to stop this fieldset from overflowing its container?

I have a css&html only form with multiple fieldsets on codepen, however only this fieldset with the <textarea> is overflowing on resizing the window.

Live Server Extension - Not working after adding forms

I'm using Live Server extension in Visual Studio Code and it's working perfectly. But whenever i try to add a form for example with the following structure:

Django forms not valid

I am using custom django forms. It seems that my form is not valid. I can't find the error. Could you help please?? signup.html`

Why my form fields are not getting submitted?

I used a ready made step by step wizard script but the form fields are not getting submitted. What could be the issue ? The JS is triggering fine in the end but

Vue.js: How to fill a form prepopulated with data from a get request?

I want to load data with a GET request and fill the data to the input data attributes at vue.js 3 like <input id="name" type="text" v-bind:placeholder="$t('m

Input field validation in React Js?

I am having a variable (in real app it is api) called data which contains value as nested items. From the level 1 it has title which is displayed already then

React useContext to pass person object from signup to phone verification

I working on a portal using react and I am trying to pass the form data which is an object from the signup page to the phone verification page so I can verify a

Program error-file in use in visual foxpro

i have to do some forms in visual fox pro 9 for a school project, and if i try to use multiple tables in one form occurs the error> file in use, even if i tr