Category "fullcalendar"

Moment.js isAfter() is not a function

I'm using FullCalendar with jQuery timepicker to set the event. I have 2 variables named timeDateInizio and timeDateFine. Those two variables are string created

How to set event color for individual events in FullCalendar eventSources or eventSourceSuccess

I'm using eventSources with FullCalendar 5. Each event source returns a different type of event which is then colored differently. One source will return three

Why does useEffect React Hook not work properly with dependency?

I'm working at a React Web App with Fullcalendar. I think one does not need to know Fullcalendar in order to answer this question. It's rather a matter of React

How can I show separation between days in a FullCalendar ResourceTimeline?

I'm using the Resource Timeline view more or less as shown here:, but I'd like to show a separation betwe

FullCalendar 5 - How to show a coloured dot to the left of events in initialView: 'timeGridWeek' instead of solid fill

When I set the FullCalendar to: initialView: 'dayGridWeek', The Events are shown with coloured dots instead of solid fill (this is what I want). However, when

Fullcalendar - Content are badly positioned When a calendar is on a tab

Reduced Test Case Just click on the second tab to display calendar in snippet. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var initialLocal

how to make event title appear in multiple lines full calendar version 5 (resource timeline view)

this is my initial view of calendar initialView: 'resourceTimelineFiveDays', Here is my code . I have added white space to be normal, even then its not workin

Passing value of component in separate jsx file's value to event on Full-Calendar

I am new to React. I am trying to pass the value of a select box imported from a separate .jsx file to an event for full-calendar. I can't find anything on this

Trigger the remove() of an event outside of fullcalendar declaration

I'm working on a Filemaker webviewer and it display a calendar that is generated using Fullcalendar library in js. My issue is when I drag & drop an event i - Get All Events

I'm using the standard FullCalendar Events(as a json feed) and have everything working fine...almost. var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, { events: '/myfe

Accesing DOM element

This can be a very basic question, but I'm really stuck. I need to get out the values out of this element: But I get stuck here, and can´t access to ever

Separate event block to events by interval in full calendar

app.component.ts @ViewChild('calendar') calendarComponent: FullCalendarComponent = <FullCalendarComponent>{}; calendarOptions: CalendarOptions = {

How change nameMonths of fullcalendar to Spanish or any language

I hope somebody could answer, is kind of silly question probably... I would like to change the values of monthnames, monthNamesShort. I found I can change the v

FullCalendar V2 Event Title cut off in month view

After upgrading to V2 of jquery fullcalendar I noticed that events with long titles had the title cut off. I worked around this issue by adding CSS, but now an

how do i pass info.startStr into an html input inside a modal window?

I am calling a modal upon clicking/selecting a date (NOT EVENT) in FullCalendar: select: function(info) { var sdate = info.startStr; $('#fullCalModalAdd').

Adding event hovertext in fullcalendar

I'm trying to include a hover text on events in a month calendar page of full calendar. I have and array object declaring the events that need to be on the pag

How to change the cursor pointer on fullcalendar?

I'm using fullCalendar plugin for my project. I noticed that when I set the "editable: " into false, the cursor hover on the events becomes default instead of s

Hide start time in FullCalendar

On FullCalendar, in the month view, is there a way to hide an event's start time?

Hide start time in FullCalendar

On FullCalendar, in the month view, is there a way to hide an event's start time?