Category "gamma-distribution"

Normal-gamma distribution in Python

Is there an implementation of the Normal-Gamma distribution for Python? I have looked over the internet, including scipy, and could not find it.

R - Gamma distribution - Linear Mixed-Effects Model - lmer/glmer errors

First time asking here so please let me know if anything else is needed to be able to help! I have analysed my data using lmer() which worked well. I have since

R - Gamma distribution - Linear Mixed-Effects Model - lmer/glmer errors

First time asking here so please let me know if anything else is needed to be able to help! I have analysed my data using lmer() which worked well. I have since

R - Gamma distribution - Linear Mixed-Effects Model - lmer/glmer errors

First time asking here so please let me know if anything else is needed to be able to help! I have analysed my data using lmer() which worked well. I have since

R - Gamma distribution - Linear Mixed-Effects Model - lmer/glmer errors

First time asking here so please let me know if anything else is needed to be able to help! I have analysed my data using lmer() which worked well. I have since