Category "gcc"

GCC: Building cross-compiler for ARM - pthread.h not found

Using a Ubuntu 12.04 host, I carefully followed this SO answer here (Recipe for Compiling Binutils and GCC Together) to build GCC and binutils in one tree with

How can I multiply 64 bit operands and get 128 bit result portably?

For x64 I can use this: { uint64_t hi, lo; // hi,lo = 64bit x 64bit multiply of c[0] and b[0] __asm__("mulq %3\n\t" : "=d" (hi), "=a" (lo)

Error in simple g++ inline assembler

I'm trying to write a "hello world" program to test inline assembler in g++. (still leaning AT&T syntax) The code is: #include <stdlib.h> #include &

building kernel module and resolve missing symbol definitions

If I build a module which depends on other modules, and i get this warning: 'function or symbol ?' [source dir/my_module.ko] undefined! What does the warn

GCC assembly and unsupported instruction `mov'

I'm trying to compile the following assembly code in level2.s movl $0x0000000054756825, %rdi movl $0x000000000040198c, $(0x0000000055685ff8) ; do I need $ for

gcc linker options "--format binary"?

What is the meaning/usage of '--format binary' options in below command ?. ld -m elf_x86_64 --format binary --oformat elf64-x86-64 -r stub -o stub-image.o

Qt 5.1.1 compiler setup on Ubuntu

First of all, I should point out that I've never used linux before. I have a clean install of 64bit ubuntu, I downloaded Qt 5.1.1 for linux 64 bit from http://

Embedding resources in executable using GCC

I'm looking for a way to easily embed any external binary data in a C/C++ application compiled by GCC. A good example of what I'd like to do is handling shader

How do I change order of Libs in a cmake file?

Link order matters. I have observed that when I compile my program with: gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` program.cpp -o program which produces a nu

I failed to compile C++ code on Visual Studio Code

I'm using "glut" library and trying to compile code by gcc compiler, but it gives undesireble result. When I try to build command (Ctrl+Shift+B) on Visual Studi

Static assert in C

What's the best way to achieve compile time static asserts in C (not C++), with particular emphasis on GCC?