Category "geometry"

Custom aggregate function to collapse vertices to SDO_GEOMETRY

I have multi-part polyline vertices stored as individual rows in an Oracle 18c table. ASSET_ID PART_NUM VERTEX_NUM X Y M --------

Visualizing the permutohedron in 3D plot

I am trying to plot the Permutohedron in python using plotly, numpy, and pandas. This is my current code: import as px import numpy as np import

How to draw circles of defined radius around multiple points and export to kml file

I have a set of points saved with their respective latitude and longitude in a data frame like this: points = data.frame(point_id = 1:3, lat = c

I can't assign the value of a geometry point to a variable

I was trying to assign the value of a geometry point (it has x,y,z. All of them are float64. If you want to check it:

How to create a path drawing algorithm to display specific landmarks of a face mesh in Landmark Detection with Tensorflow.JS and React?

I have currently implemented a version of this tutorial: Real Time AI Face Landmark Detection in 20 Minutes with Tensorflow.JS and React It demonstrates how to

Is there a cleaner / simpler way to calculate the edge in a geometry that a line crosses?

In the code below it is fairly simple to check does the line cross into the geometry or not - it's also trivial to work out the coordinate that the line crosses

Count number of polygons within a polyline

I have a collection of vertices that have been drawn sequentially by a user and I need to count how many enclosed areas there are within this shape. I have mana

center of mass in each cell of N-dimensional rectilinear grid

I have an n-Dimensional rectilinear grid, such that the edges in each dimension i are given by x_i = {x[i, 0], x[i,1], ..., x[i, Ni-1], x[i, Ni]}, with N_i edge

Scaling the X axis of a rotated ellipse

I have a scatter plot and I'm allowing points to be selected by drawing an ellipse like so: In the above image the X axis and Y axis are scaled differently. I'

Estimate 3D Line from Image projections with known Camera Pose and Calibration

I know the principle of triangulation for 3D Point estimation from images. However, how would you solve the following problem, I have images from a Line in 3D s

google maps flutter check if a point inside a polygon

I'm working on flutter project using google-maps-flutter plugin, and I want to check if the user location is inside the polygon that I created on the map. There

Determine a bounding rectangle around a diagonal line

A user will define a line on screen which will have, when drawn, a given thickness (or width). I now need to be able to determine the coordinates of a bounding

Swift UI: Center Text into Circle

I try to put a circle-shaped frame around a text view, but I just can't get it properly aligned and I can't see where the problem is. As you can see in the pict

Faster approach for decomposing a rotation to rotations around arbitrary orthogonal axes

I have a rotation and I want to decompose it into a series of rotations around 3 orthogonal arbitrary axes. It's a bit like a generalisation of Euler decomposit

Determine transects perpendicular to a (coast)line in R

I'd like to automatically derive transects, perpendicular to the coastline. I need to be able to control their length and spacing and their oriëntation nee

Compute distance and position from camera (lat,lon) to object on photo

I just started working on a new project, doing research about the state of the art methods computing the position of objects on photos, given the following info

How retrieve the normal for a given face of ARMeshGeometry?

given a ARMeshAnchor 'meshAnchor', i can retrieve its geometry and faces : let geometry = meshAnchor.geometry let faces = geometry.faces var i = Int(0) while i

How to find a point where a line intersects an ellipse in 2D (C#)

I need to find a point where a line (its origin is ellipse' center) intersects an ellipse in 2D... I can easily find a point on a circle, because I know an angl

Mapping coordinates from plane given by normal vector to XY plane

So, I have this algorithm to calculate cross-section of 3D shape with plane given with normal vector. However, my current problem is, that the cross-section is

SQL Geography point inside polygon not returning true on STIntersect (but returns true using Geometry)

I don't want to resort in converting my geography data to geometry just so it returns true in STIntersect. Here is the code in SQL: DECLARE @point GEOGRAPHY =