Help me please, I am trying to run this in my terminal: asgard@asgard-A7N8X2-0:~/CollegePortal$ git pull error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied
I have a branch that contains the work and want to pull a request into another branch - master - and this is an Empty branch it's recover something like this :
Is there a way to use a command like git ls-files to show only untracked files? The reason I'm asking is because I use the following command to process all del
I'm using Jupyter Labs on AWS SageMaker. Kernel: conda_pytorch_p36 and did Restart & Run All. I git cloned this repo. Attempt at installing git-lfs: !curl -
I have a log that shows a stack trace. Each line in the stack trace shows the function called, filename and line number. Thing is, is that these don't align wi
I'd like to be able to git clone a large repository using python, using some library, but importantly I'd like to be able to see the progress of the clone as it
I received an email saying GitHub will require token authentication after August 13 2021. I want to ensure I don't have an interruption of service (push/pull) a
I have various things I've written, and rewritten a couple times, without keeping track, and git seems the perfect solution to merge my disjointed code. However
I'm really annoyed I have to do `git push --set-upstream origin <my_branch>` every time for new git branch. Is there any way I can skip it? I found this
I'm trying to test something that requires me to remove all commits after 02/14/2022. I found the commit hash xyz of the last commit on 02/13/2022, and did a gi
The current git flow for the team. 3 branches in total main develop feature When we're in the development stage When there is a new jira ticket, we will create
We have 6 sites (one prod, 5 dev) and although they are used for different purposes, they are for the most part the same site, they all use code from the same U
Local repository A(branch feature/2.0 on A) in my system, i did git remote add associated with a remote repository B (branch main)git add rem
I have a problem deploying my springboot application to Heroku. After running git push heroku master, I am encountering the error below: [INFO] ----------------
When I type git init (or git help tutorial) in terminal (MacOS), I get this message: fatal: bad numeric config value 'ward' for 'core.safecrlf': invalid unit
when i try to build my unity project for IOS, Unity creates an error related with Firebase and Cocoapods. I could not find any solution. Can you please advice m
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
I have 2 branches on github: master gh-pages My branch master has the directory _site which contains all the files that I need to be stored on the root of gh-pa
I'm using Git Bash for Windows, version I would like Git to automatically initialize submodules when I do a clone, checkout or pull. I found