I have various things I've written, and rewritten a couple times, without keeping track, and git seems the perfect solution to merge my disjointed code. However
I'm really annoyed I have to do `git push --set-upstream origin <my_branch>` every time for new git branch. Is there any way I can skip it? I found this
I'm trying to test something that requires me to remove all commits after 02/14/2022. I found the commit hash xyz of the last commit on 02/13/2022, and did a gi
The current git flow for the team. 3 branches in total main develop feature When we're in the development stage When there is a new jira ticket, we will create
We have 6 sites (one prod, 5 dev) and although they are used for different purposes, they are for the most part the same site, they all use code from the same U
Local repository A(branch feature/2.0 on A) in my system, i did git remote add associated with a remote repository B (branch main)git add rem
I have a problem deploying my springboot application to Heroku. After running git push heroku master, I am encountering the error below: [INFO] ----------------
When I type git init (or git help tutorial) in terminal (MacOS), I get this message: fatal: bad numeric config value 'ward' for 'core.safecrlf': invalid unit
when i try to build my unity project for IOS, Unity creates an error related with Firebase and Cocoapods. I could not find any solution. Can you please advice m
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
I have 2 branches on github: master gh-pages My branch master has the directory _site which contains all the files that I need to be stored on the root of gh-pa
I'm using Git Bash for Windows, version 2.34.1.windows.1. I would like Git to automatically initialize submodules when I do a clone, checkout or pull. I found
While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei
While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei
I'm trying to get a customized git log listing using --pretty=format:"....", but can't seem to find out how get the ref names colored as in git log --oneline. T
I have created a repository on github and now I wish to add a folder with info in that existing folder. How to do it ??
I want to create a git alias git dir, which when used should open the git installation folder via Windows Explorer, how to implement such an alias?
It seems can't push commits to a new branch to a mirror repository without setting push to upstream. I created a mirror repository in gitea, it synchronizes fro
Background I use SiteGround to host my websites. I have git repos set up for each of my sites on SiteGround. I use SSH keys for authentication. I just set si