Category "git-merge"

Git how to merge without a merge commit, but preserving hashes (to have a straight graph line in the git log)

So I have 2 branches - develop_1 and develop_2. The first one needs to be merged into the second (let's say there are 3 commits in develop_1 which needs to be i

Creating merge commit in git with reversed parents order

In Weblate we're sometimes creating merge commits which get in the end pushed to the upstream repository. I'd like them to be constructed with parent commits in

GitHub does not recognize changes from a reverted pull request

I'm working on a Git branch called bug-fix-1, which I created based off integration branch. There was another branch bug-fix-2 which was merged into integration

How to merge specific files from Git branches

I have 2 git branches branch1 and branch2 and I want to merge in branch2 into in branch1 and only that file. In essence I just want to work on

How to merge specific files from Git branches

I have 2 git branches branch1 and branch2 and I want to merge in branch2 into in branch1 and only that file. In essence I just want to work on

Impossible to merge branch: refusing to merge unrelated histories

I did create a remote repo ('myRepo') on Git. I checked the checkbox 'add a', which also make a commit on this 'myRepo' repo. Then I create a new folde