I'm setting up a SSH key for the first time on Gitlab.com. I'm stuck at verifying that you can connect: ssh -T [email protected]. The gitlab.example.com yo
how to set git up in vs code. help i cant set it up. When i try to push a commit it shows cant find repository and shows a publish branch button and it opens a
I have been using github actions for quite sometime but today my deployments started failing. Below is the error from github action logs Command: git Arguments:
I was wondering whether there are folks out there who have found a proper solution for the following... We have a Hugo static website for which the code resides
I want to install the gqrcode project and get from that project the following installation instructions: go get -u github.com/KangSpace/gqrcode When performing
We are using the Feature-Branch-Workflow, which means others merge theire changes to the dev-branch that I want to merge into my feature branch. As it happens a
Yelp detect secrets is a system that prevents secrets from entering your code base. I would like to install the pre-commit hook it provides. I've never used Git
I've been using ssh keys with github for a while now. Suddenly i can't push and I'm getting a Permission denied (publickey) error. Here's what I've tried so far
I've tried to run npm install and faced these issues below I've tried to clear cache with force command, install git and update node but nothing worked here i
I recently installed composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ~1.0 in my app and created small line of codes of vue components and blade.php files. When I tr
I created a django project and want to share it with my team members, however in the settings files it contains some passwords for the database etc. Of course w
I have committed a code into my branch, no one has written anything in it. Do I just git add then git commit -m '' and then git push as usual
When I give the command "$git commit" to git bash, then $ git commit hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file... atom --wait: atom: command not found
I always got cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master' when I execute git pull first time if there are some updates. The full console log is belows. D:\cod
I have to put a pretty big project under version control, which has two versions (dev and prod). These two were kept in "mostly sync" by copying files manually
I need to build the ODM RuleApp as below Decision Service and Java XOM project is in Git Build the RuleApp through Jenkins from Git The created jar file is to b
I have a bare repository in which I need to add and commit a set of files. As far as I understand it, adding files to the index requires a worktree. Using git o
Did git can push to all branch but Only have same code? I mean if i have 3 branch like ver_light, ver_medium, and ver_heavy. = ver_light \controller\a \control
I am trying to build my go apps on a docker file. Inside my go.mod there is private package that needs authentication/ssh. This question is similar to Building
I came across a set of images (e.g., https://github.com/kehuantiantang/A-DNN-based-Semantic-Segmentation-for-Detecting-Weed-and-Crop/blob/master/stuttgart/stutt