I have a github repository for which I have an CI script set up using Github Actions. On 95% of the pushes into main, we need to run the script, so the script i
My project consists of a parent project and a child project. The child project is included in the parent project as a submodule. I am using Gitlab CI. Below is
I am trying the following code in a jupyter notebook if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths['APIMODEL_PATH'], 'research', 'object_detection')): !git clone
I am trying to install package from git, which I forked earlier. I try npm i catsaredoomed/invest-openapi-js-sdk --save-dev I've got npm ERR! prepareGitDep 2&g
I am currently running sonarlint plugin locally in Intelij which works well. I would like to run the plugin only for files that I have in my Changelist - before
I have completed making one application using react in front end and .net core at backend. Now I need to publish this repository to heruko. Locally, when I do d
I had already pushed some changes to a remote. Now I need to push some other changes related to the commit that I already pushed, which should be in that commit
I am wondering if it's possible to fetch only a single file from a Git repository in order to commit a new change to it. We want to change the file on a Azure D
I signed up in vs code with git , did all setup , my repository is loading and showing all the modifications done but the commit and push is not working , as i
I am using the Visual Studio Code for my salesforce development. I have some issues with Git as a repository. When I right-click on the package.xml and say Retr
Yesterday, I ran Angular in my vscode terminal. When I tried to close all open files in vscode, I closed the Vscode application. Since then, Git is not working,
Can anyone here share some recommendations and best practices for working with Jupyter notebooks and Bitbucket/git? We have the Notebook viewer plugin installed
Currently it only shows the lines that are different. Is there any way to make it visualize per-character difference inside those lines, same way as it does in
Please consider the following git log alias I use: log --date-order --color-moved --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) -
I am setting up a documentation website, using GitHub Pages + Docusaurus (static website generator). There are two github repositories involved: "DOCS" for the
Let's say I'm working on a branch and I run git commit. I am then taken to the commit message prompt where I may enter a commit subject and m
I'm using Azure DevOps for the first time to host my next project. When I created an empty project on Azure Devops, I tried to clone it. While attempting to clo
Git flow ensures the following way that changes to master and release eventually end up in develop: hotfixes branch from master and merge back to develop. If t
I'm using VSCode x64 on Win10 x64, and desire to use Perforce with it. I have a Perforce installation on the same machine that already works with both local and
I have scripts which run some git commands and try to push changes. Those changes are not conflicting changes, since each one works with a different file. Now w