Category "gitlab-ci"

Gitlab automatically stops environment after merge

In our team we have multiple static environments. There is always dev and test and for certain customers where our infrastructure is allowed to deploy also stag

Manual approval in GitLab CI deployment pipeline

we've got a GitLab CI build / test / deployment pipeline and need to insert a manual approval between deployment to Test and promoting to Prod. I can't figure o

How to get schedules description in gitlab?

I have a scheduled pipeline in gitlab, whose description is "run everyday". similar to this How can I fet

gitlab-runner:Pipeling is pending infinitely

I install a Specific Runners,and the status is actived. my .gitlab-ci.ymi file code: stages: - build build_maven: stage: build only: - master scrip

Gitlab CI, include rule's if condition is ignored

I've following in .gitlab-ci.yml: include: # env variables - local: test.yml rules: - if: $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME == "dev" - local: int.yml rules

Use artifacts from merge request job in GitLab CI

In my project I use merge requests to test builds, and deploy once the commit is merged to master. Currently my .gitlab-ci.yml looks like: build: stage: build

[Gitlab]Where can I find Gitlab Pages hosted on my private Gitlab instance?

I tried to set up Gitlab Pages, until now I finished uploading my static website files👇 Uploading artifacts... coverage/lcov-report: found 77 matching

Make sure a job is rerun in later pipelines if it has failed in previous pipeline and is subject to files changes rules in Gitlab CI

I have a Gitlab CI job that has a rule making the job run if any of 3 paths are modified. I made the job fail purposefully. Then, I modified the - a f

gitlab pipeline build server for ios

We're running everything in AWS, including our self-hosted Gitlab server. Now I am trying to create a pipeline to build and publish our IOS apps. Gitlab cloud d

Gitlab CI-CD using Fastlane An error occurred while installing rake (13.0.6), and Bundler cannot continue

I am trying to integrate CI-CD using Fastlane all the lanes are working fine in my personal laptop but when I try to push it on my repo and after the job starts

gitlab-ci include *gitlab-ci yml does not exist

When using the regular include YML configuration file, an error will be reported, indicating that the file does not exist include: - local: .gitlab/staging/*.

Gitlab pipeline with Vault authentification

I'm using a Gitlab 13.11.1 enterprise edition with free subscription. I'm trying (into my pipeline) to authenticate to a Hashicorp Vault. To achieve that I need

How to erase job via gitlab api

I have an issue were I am the owner of a project on a gitlab server, and I can successfully delete all artifacts for a job as listed in the docs.. curl --reque

gitlab-ci SSH key invalid format

I would like run deploy script with gitlab-ci, but step ssh-add $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY return an error : echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add - Error loading key "(stdi

Accept merge request without running manual stages

I have a pipeline with 3 stages: build, deploy-test and deploy-prod. I want stages to have following behavior: always run build run deploy-test automatically

Gitlab-Runner on Kubernetes/Openshift

I'm trying to deploy Gitlab-runner(s) on Openshift/K8S, but can't succeed in having runners communicating with Gitlab (itself deployed in pods on OCP). I follo

Gitlab CICD: use functions inside gitlab-ci.yml

I have a .gitlab-ci.yml file which allows needs to execute the same function for every step. I have the following and this works. image: name: hashicorp/terra

Using GitLabRunner to execute GUI tests on windows with permanent active user session

i'm having issues to get a permanent active user-session on my virtual machine to execute gui tests developed with the functional testing tool Ranorex Studio vi

How do I get parts of my GitLab CI Job Log to fold when viewed on the GUI?

I have several GitLab CI Jobs which take a while to run. I already use the before_script and after_script features to break some of the work into sections. I

How to save multiple variables in a apipeline for another job

So I am looking through the gitlab ci documentation for passing variables to other jobs. However, how would I pass more than one? And how would I access more th